Reading Your Testimonies…

Reading Your Testimonies…

Reading Your Testimonies…

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
Berlin CT 06037
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NOTES: Tom is so excited to read some of the 1,500 testimonies that was sent into him. Tom thanks the ones who sent him Christmas cards. Says we should celebrate Christmas every day! 

Suggests have egg nog and a couple of cookies while he reads some of the testimonies. 

Tom shares his memories of his Christmas. Says it was all about Santa until his parents got saved. One year was a very bad snow storm. The power was out and he didn’t go to school for about a week and a half. The time came when they were out of firewood. His dad started burning everything, like old shoes from the attic. A neighbor heard and she loaded the truck with wood. In the spring his dad wanted to repay her. He cut a cherry tree down and gave her the best of the wood, he had been so thankful. Tom said he learned the importance of showing appreciation. Says when someone blesses you, bless them back.


Was a prodigal son, saved but in a motorcycle group. His family prayed for him. Says he watched a video with Mark Lawry and was under conviction the whole time. Mark said at the end of the video did you used to be an active Christian? Do you know God is with you no matter where you are or what you are doing? Come back to Him. Says he cried himself to sleep. He confessed to his wife and family and the Lord called him to His ministry. Now is a minister and served with his wife in oversees and home missions for 8 years, now in active churches. A living testimony. 

Says in 1993 he killed a man. Fought it then as sentenced to life with possibly of parole with 30 year minimum. After about 3 1/2 years in started reading the Word. A Bible had been given to him. Someone there had a clear understanding of the Word for him. In 1998 he read the O.T. in the AM and N.T. in the evening. Reading and studying ever since. After 18 years in was deported to Sweden. Got out. Not perfect but after 10 years of looking up and applying 1 John 1: 9 still looking up for His promise of the rapture and eternity which is any second. Tom says, Jesus is the only One who can change lives.

Says had an emptiness deep inside her despite a good life. Her grandmother was a strong Christian. She missed her and picked up her Bible and alone in her room read the Gospel of Matthew. She spoke out loud and asked Jesus if He was real. The room filled with a bright blinding light and she was never the same. Knew at that moment Jesus was there. He came and filled that void with His power and His Spirit, reborn. She says now Jesus is the light of her world. 

Tom says chasing after stuff won’t fill that void. Tom says he was a prodigal son. Would come back for a short season then fall away. Until the last time, says he surrendered. Says Jesus grabbed hold of him.

Says was stuck in the Navy with no car, no way out for a break. God sent a church van that took him to a local church and he got saved. Tom says, watch how God works! 

Says she was raised Catholic, rediscovered God and her husband to be. Lives in the UK and wants to come to Connecticut and have Pastor Cary marry them and Tom be best man! Unless is raptured and says, today is a good day! Tom says yes he would!  If we are still here! 

Says was in a cult called the Way International. A Messianic Jewish believer led her to the Lord, kept telling her of the cross and resurrection. Says 25 years later and she shares her faith boldly. Come quickly!

Says is a Messianic Jew. Raised in a secular type home in NYC. Says God moved her 3,000 miles to California to hear the Gospel. The man who heard it from became her husband a couple months after she got saved. Says she appreciated her heritage then. Says her husband is with Jesus now and looks to see him soon in the rapture. 

Says is Jewish and was searching. Received a vision waking her out of a sound sleep. First Moses then 3 weeks later a waking vision of Jesus, like a breathtaking haze that enveloped her. Not the same with Moses. Later realized Moses represented the law and didn’t tabernacle with her. Says Jesus meets us where we are. 

Tom says this is the best way to spend Christmas with these testimonies. Jesus is coming soon, in the last days. Today is a very good day for the rapture.



I was raised Lutheran, and a seed was planted, even though I never heard the Gospel. Right before getting married in 1978, I felt like something was missing. I remember the exact moment I thought that. A week later Campus Crusade missionaries shared the Gospel with me and I KNEW that was what I was missing. Long story short, I was in a long slow growth journey with Jesus and when my hubby was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2014, Jesus changed my life and proved He never let me go and never gives us up.  Proverbs 3:5-6 became my life and now, with my hubby now in Heaven, I’m so thankful for that tragedy. God used it for good. MARANATHA!
