WOW, It’s Getting Evil. Jesus Is Coming Soon!

WOW, It’s Getting Evil. Jesus Is Coming Soon!

WOW, It’s Getting Evil. Jesus Is Coming Soon!

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NOTES: Wow, It’s Getting Evil!   Jesus is coming soon!

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be gad in it.

Tom reminds us he’s not a prophet, pastor, just a dude that loves the Lord and loves talking about the Lord.

Says sit back and grab a snack, whatever you want. Maybe a slice of boloney and a radish!

Tom is noticing such an uptick of evil in this world everyday. Says he doesn’t concentrate on it because he loves the Lord.  Satan knows his time is short.  The Gospel message gets brighter.  That Jesus paid for our sins with His blood. Getting ready to come get us.

Tom reads a transcript of Paul Harvey from 58 years ago.  58 years ago saying what the enemy is doing to this world. 

It was called, If I were the Devil. Talked about having the whole world in darkness. Owning 1/3 the real estate and 4/5 the population. Take over the US. The churches first. Have psychology for religion, the god of science. Tell people to do as they pleased. Tell the young people the Bible is a myth. That man created God, what is bad is good. Take God out of the churches, government, let kids run wild. Worship the government. Destroy marriage, family. Set one against the other. Nations against each other. Evil in all the media, books. Pills, drugs,  alcohol, crime, gambling, disease, laziness. Ignore easter and Christmas and make it something else. 

 Ever since Adam and Eve, satan keeps doing the same damage and destruction.   

Tom says we are in the very last days and we really need to know who the enemy is.  But way more important is keep our eyes on Jesus in these last days.  Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world.

Reads Psalms 91 – comforting Psalm.  He loves us so much.  Came to give His life for us.


Jordan News: Wednesday Israel held a conference at the Temple Mount Institute for the preparation for the Red Heifer. Tom saw in a video last night  they showed 5 red heifers.  Earlier they said one was disqualified.  Tom thinks they may have secretly already burned one for the ashes.  They have waited 2,000 years for the perfect Red Heifer and now they are of age.  The video is confusing.

Rockets into Northern Israel from Lebanon.  9 intercepted by the Iron Dome.

Amir said  over 130 British Parliament members sent a letter to the foreign minister urging arms embargo on Israel citing Israel’s noncompliance with UN Security Council ceasefire resolution.

Jerusalem Post:  Hezbollah escalated attacks on Israel this week.  Attempting to keep Israel from returning to the North.   

Times of Israel – Egyptian sources in contact with IDF said IDF’s expected offensive would occur after the 3 day holiday that follows Ramadan and ends around April 12 or in early May at the latest.  Said the last part into the Gaza Strip would last 4-8 weeks with evacuation of civilians sheltering in Rafah.  1.5 million people. 

Israel Radar – Israel has resumed training and prepares for large scale war on Northern front.  Pilots practicing massive strikes, long range missions.

Netanyahu said his cancellation of a planned visit to Washington by top aids this week was meant to show Hamas that Israel would not bend to growing international pressure to halt war in Gaza.  Later saying they are trying to schedule a meeting with people in Washington.

Turkish and Kurds clash in Belgium days before the local elections in Turkey. A violent fight and panic at Paris airport as authorities attempted to deport a Kurdish national to Turkey.

Article: The UK Defense Chief says it would run out of ammo and equipment in less than 2 months in a war against Russia.

Insider Paper – Russia spy chief visited North Korea for security talks, as they deepen ties.

Past  24 hr earthquakes,  41 over 4.0, 5 over 5.0.

The ship that collided at the  Baltimore bridge was carrying hazardous materials.  56 containers on-board containing hazardous materials, corrosives, flammable, lithium ion batteries.  Some containers went into the water.  The voyage data recorder has been recovered but investigation could take 12-24 months they say. 

“Friendly Skies”

Photo showed a truck under an Emirates plane at Moscow airport.  A truck ran into a plane and was stuck!

Clown World

Mama Mia star has been replaced with AI in BBC project.  An actress that has performed in Mama Mia for over a decade has been dropped for AI.

Testimony and comments –

Praises of restored marriage and lives.  Out of bondage to new life.

Prays for those who are sick, starving and homeless because of wars.  Pray for God to step in now.  A major sign we are near the rapture,  Israel has been abandoned by all.

Young person says after spending his whole day in a liberal anti-Christian high school, he is thankful to come home and listen to a fellow servant of our Lord speaking the truth.

Comments on how many outside the  US are turning to Jesus and having dreams and visions of the Lord.  Grace is abounding, redemption is happening.  More evangelism happening outside the US.  It’s like the Lord is giving up our country and churches here. Sees the  prosperity gospel. God  calling out the end of the times of the Gentiles. The Father of the Bridegroom sends His servants out to gather the invited to the wedding, but they were too busy.  So sends servants out to gather any in the streets that will come.

Tom says  people are still coming to the Lord in the US, and he does hear many are coming to Jesus with dreams and visions in countries that aren’t Christian.


At the end,  nothing matters unless we know Jesus.  Time is very short, still have the opportunity to come to Jesus.

What He did for us matters for eternity.  God’s plan of salvation to come to earth, the perfect sacrifice, Lamb of God. Shed His blood to pay for the entire sin debt.  Realize the power of that blood to save from all sin.  Tell Him you believe.

He did that for you, died, buried, rose again.  Be saved, rapture ready, Holy Spirit filled.  To spend eternity with Him.

Warns, unless believe and receive will not be saved and go to hell.

Come to Him today.  Believe and be saved today.

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 91:1-16 KJV

[1] He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: My God; in him will I trust. [3] Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the noisome pestilence. [4] He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. [5] Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; Nor for the arrow that flieth by day; [6] Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. [7] A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; But it shall not come nigh thee. [8] Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold And see the reward of the wicked. [9] Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, Even the most High, thy habitation; [10] There shall no evil befall thee, Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. [11] For he shall give his angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways. [12] They shall bear thee up in their hands, Lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. [13] Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: The young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. [14] Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. [15] He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. [16] With long life will I satisfy him, And shew him my salvation.

Isaiah 43:1 KJV

[1] But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.