Very Interesting Times… Look UP!

Very Interesting Times… Look UP!

Very Interesting Times… Look UP!

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Notes: Have cold water and French fries with salt and vinegar! 

Tom says this is his second one he did today. Wanted to change a few things as he is asking the Lord to lead him. 

Big things happening. The UN Summit in New York Monday and Tuesday. A big thing that is happening is the Saudis are hosting an event aimed at revamping the Israeli Palestinian peace process. Happening on the side lines of the UN General Assembly next week.
3 UN diplomats told Times of Israel about this on Thursday. It is put on by Saudi Arabia, Arab League, EU, in coperation with Egypt and Jordan and the UN secretary will be the key note speaker. 

Tom says this is world pressure. End times puzzle pieces. 

Eyes on 7 year agreement with many nations. During the Feast of Trumpets. Also during the time with all that is going on in Israel. Also the Revelation 12 sign. Tom explains it, says amazing things are happening in the stars this week. Also there is the ongoing nuclear threats, the weather disasters, crop failures, economic woes, and the elites talk about controlling the masses. 150 world leaders there. 

The US pushes to expand Abraham Accords with Israel and Saudi Arabia. They say when Saudi Arabia and Palestine work together, that is a tall order. Tom says the antichrist will pull that off.

Amir: explosion in Tel Aviv. No injuries but exposed a major terrorist plot for high Holy days. 

Times of Israel: Air Force stage a major drill in Greece with potential long range strike in Iran.Tom says Israel getting ready for war. 

China drills near Taiwan could signal surprise attack. 143 war planes and 56 war ships entering air defense zones. They were there for 4 days. Tom says he has never seen such rumors of war.

Nebraska had an explosion of a train with chemicals caused a 4 mile evacuation. The sky filled with toxic smoke. Tom says, has seen so many this year. 

Feast of Trumpets. Israelis say it started today. Some say it is Saturday and Sunday. Of it is said, “no one knows the day or the hour.” They wait for the sliver of the moon. 

The storm Daniel in Libya has killed 11,000 people so far. 20,000 people are missing. They said about 2,000 bodies swept into the midst of the sea. So terrible. Pray.

Morocco, they now have storms, windstorms.
Earthquakes in the last 24 hours. 34 over 4.0 and 8 of those over 5.0.

NASA had their alien meeting. They said UFO’s are a threat to the US airspace. They say they intend to find what they are, a scientific conclusion. Tom says he pictures them siting around eating little alien cookies- just kidding! Tom says after he showed the pictures of the aliens in Mexico yesterday he has a lot of comments that were funny. Said  it looked like an elementary school project bu they would do better than them. Tom says a sign for the rapture. The last days.

Comments: homesick for heaven. Watching, each and every day. So ready.

Says talked to a customer at work and she asked if she was the only one feeling this way. Says they spent several minutes encouraging each other and rejoicing. Says Jesus knows when we need a brother or sister to lift us up. Tom says yes, at just the right time. 

Says weary, and longing to see our Savior. 

Beautiful. Hard to even comprehend. Describes Jesus, perfect, died for us. Have faith in what Jesus did. Born again, rapture ready. Turn today. Quickly running out of time. Cling to Jesus. Leave behind notes, Bibles, for those left behind.