US Turning Their Backs On Israel… PRAY!!

US Turning Their Backs On Israel… PRAY!!

US Turning Their Backs On Israel… Pray!

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
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NOTES: says he is doing today a little differently, just hanging out. Thinking out loud like brother Chooch. Still having a cough and recovering. Says he doesn’t have the energy to suggest a food, but then again, he thinks, maybe a Genoa salami on a hard roll with provolone cheese, roasted red peppers, a dash of mayo, toasted a little. Maybe sweet tea on the side. 

Says, my name is Tom and you are watching Watchman River channel. Tom says he has a lot going on in his mind and at the same time nothing going on in his mind. Says let’s just talk a while. He will be in the driver’s seat and we can go to the passengers’ seat!

Tom says so many have given so many suggestions of what to take for the cough.  He says he is taking fermented honey and garlic. Someone suggested Vicks extreme menthol and says it tastes like an old shoe but seems to work! Using bee propolis spray in the mouth for the immune system and says, but it is the Lord that takes care of us! 

Tom reads Scripture. He says we don’t need to do this program unless it is all the Lord. 

Reads Psalm 23. We serve the most High God. He loves us and wants to spend eternity with us. 

Tom says Blinken is in Israel telling Netanyahu to stop. Tom says US officially turning their back on Israel. Says watch the weather when that happens. We can’t turn our backs on Israel. In all the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation it is all Israel. foundational. Their government it secular but we pray for Israel. 

Tom talks about how over a year ago he commented on how the sky looks different. The clouds look closer, the sun looks brighter. Not like the golden color but so white we can’t look at it. So many others responded the same thing! Tom says he also feels something shifted the last week or so. Seems to hear, “pray and pay attention!” 

So many unusual things going on. With October 7 something changed. We look at Bible prophecy from Israel. Tom looks at Psalm 83 war. Shared Ross on New News from this morning. Both think God steps in to remove these inner circle of enemies. Thinks this brings sudden destruction. Right now the US wants to stop the war and talk of a peaceful way of Palestinians and Israel. Israel want the hostages free, capture the leader of Hamas, Sinwar. Thinks that “peace and safety” brings rapture. Could be any day. Sees the signs everywhere. 

Tom says he saw someone on face book put a chart online with the full moons, blood moons and numbers and attention to January 11. 1/11. So many have seen the number 11 all over the place. Tom says he just can’t ignore it. The signs in the sky for a reason. Tom says it is like a staircase to the rapture. Wonders what will happen. Wonders if others have sensed things too.

Israel today said this: Blinken is in Israel and doing his best to see no evil, hear no evil impersonation. Says after met with  Netanyahu demanded humanitarian aid to Gaza be massively increased, immediately. Said not enough aid getting to the people. And we know Hamas steals everything coming in. It prolongs the war by giving Hams what is needs to fight on. 

Tom says they are pressuring to stop the war. 

Amir says Israel refuses,  direct confrontation under way. Amir did an update yesterday. Said if Iran is Israel’s biggest headache, China is Americas. Amir says he can’t share any information but can say many people in the military say they don’t sleep at night with what they see and know. A very weak leadership invites very serious threat. It was released that 9 IDF soldiers were killed yesterday. Tom says please pray for all the people. Tom says he is not concerned with Russia and China invading America, think that happens after the rapture. 

N. Korea is aiming at S. Korea with elections about few weeks away. All wars and rumors of war.

3 Hezbollah leaders killed this morning in Israel attack. Another senior commander. Ground maneuver going deep into the city of Khan Yunis. Dozens of terrorist killed and weapons located. The commander of Hezbollah Air Force in S. Lebanon killed.

6.7 earthquake in Philippines and 6.0 off central Japan. Last 24 hours, 61 over 4.0, 9 over 5.0, and 1 over 6.0. 

Tornados in S. Florida, one in Ft Lauderdale. 

Testimony: says saved in 2001, after reading Left Behind books. Gave her heart to Jesus. Says amazed at what she is seeing. We go up soon, hang on.

Says has a daughter with special needs. Told her mom,  in heaven she won’t have special needs.  She is right. Can’t wait to meet her as healed, she is so awesome as a person now. She loves Jesus and has a pure heart. Says she has taught me how to truly love. 

Tom says in his 20’s he drove a van with special needs to school. Was also working on a music career. Says he loved the job, realized how special they are. Can see God in them. Says they will have the best in the mansions! 

Says both son and daughter have non verbal autism and loves them with all his heart. But so eager to see them completely healed in eternity. Come Lord Jesus. 

Tom has asked people, even believers what they think their chances are of going to heaven. They may say, 80-90%. Tom says the answer should be 100%. Says they must not understand grace, what He did for us. Putting too much attention on their performance, works. But nothing they do will count. It is only what He did. Unearned gift through faith in believing in the power of His blood. Washes all our sins white as snow. Removes all sin.

But must warn not to reject that gift and His salvation. Or will not get to go to heaven, go to hell forever. 

He loves us. Just admit of being a sinner and believe and be saved. Be saved today. Tom prays for each one.Today may be the day of the rapture.

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 23:16 KJV

[1] The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. [2] He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. [3] He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. [4] Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. [5] Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. [6] Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Timestamp: 3:52



I was truly saved at 50. I wasn’t raised in a churched home but was always seeking what I felt was missing. I am so grateful for the Lord’s patience. I can’t imagine a day or moment without Him. Love and blessings to all my brothers and sisters.


I got saved at a very young age in my grandfather’s Pentecostal church, I re-dedicated my life to Jesus after my house burned down in 2017.  We lost almost everything and God gave us more than we had!  Praise God and Thank You Jesus!  Love you Tom!


I was baptized in the 3rd grade. When we moved, we stopped going to church, so I strayed for several years. About 9 years ago, I came back to Jesus.


I was raised in the church and believed in Jesus but until I was 25 and my second child was born and my husband had destroyed the family by molesting our son I broke down and gave all my sins and all my worries to the Lord and He wrapped His Loving,Healing arms around me and forgave me I became one of His sheep that very day May 1978 PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST


My father died suddenly when I was 29,  grew up catholic, I was so lost. My coworker was dying from cancer and shared the good news,  I was saved reborn at 30 yrs old.  It was like I had foggy glasses removed from my eyes. A whole new world I never knew, praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 20 yrs later still seeking and loving our Lord.