The World Is Ready For The Antichrist

The World Is Ready For The Antichrist

The World Is Ready For The Antichrist

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
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NOTES: This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Tom is craving a bowl of cereal today.  When he was a kid there was a lot of sugar cereal.  If by mistake it wasn’t a sweet brand Tom put sugar on it. Tom doesn’t see any nutrients in it.  Actually he doesn’t trust food these days.  An apple may be as bad as Captain Crunch.

Scriptures about a God of all comfort. 

2 Corinthians 1:3-4.  John 14:18, John 14:26.  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of comfort and brings to our remembrance all things that Jesus said to us.   Matthew 5:4, John 16:7, Tom says we are so blessed to live in the church age have the Holy Spirit.  John 14:16.

The world is getting so ready for the antichrist.  Since October  7 is a continual push for the end of the war, peace, and 2 state solution.  Not possible. UN General assembly meetings continually rebuke Israel.  World Economic Forum last month also repeating for peace and security. Tom believes all this talk is getting ready for the antichrist and after the rapture, people will fall for it.  

Tom says  strongly says everything is in place for the 7 year tribulation.  Cashless money system, Euphrates River drying up,  countries threatening nuclear war, Ai growing so fast, soon they say they will announce the date of the Red Heifer sacrifice.   Tom says he is watching for the rapture every day.  Waiting for His perfect timing.


Cell phone outage nationwide.  AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobil affected.   Tom says his  phone is out.  SOS only since 4 AM.  Not everywhere but a lot of cities.  Strange outages.  Some have felt its from a solar storm.  Say an X level major solar flare occurred at 3:32 AM Central Time and 5 minutes later reports of Mobil outages.  Not sure what is going on. Things like this happen before the rapture. 

US conducts 4 strikes against Houthi weapons preparing to launch.  Self defense strikes against Houthi in response to missiles aimed at the Red Sea.   

Amir  said Houthis just attacked an American owned ship containing humanitarian aid to Yemen.  Oops, they  attacked an American ship containing aid to their own country.  Amir says worst Houthi flub yet.  Tom said Houthi sounds like a candy bar and Houthi flub, eat too many Houthi bars packed with nuts, Tom jokes a bit.

And a British owned cargo ship was hit again today in Gulf of Aden.  Tom says Houthis not letting up.

Bubba News:  seeing more about a peace plan and 2 state they say as the only way peace  could take place.  Peace in Israel with Arab Israeli enemies we know  will be by the antichrist  rising to the scene to confirm a 7 year agreement with Israel.  But until then multiple parties will try their best to make it happen.  Israel says no way.  Biden says, come on man.  There are reports in the past week that the US is preparing to unveil a comprehensive Israel, Palestine peace plan that could include US unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian State.  But the US denies this.

Insider Paper:  Most Israelis say absolute victory in Gaza is not possible.  55% said very low, only 38% said is possible.  Netanyahu’s goals of continuing until victory and recovering  hostages is met with international pressure.  Tom says they have been living with that enemy for so long.

Israel Today:  Last night on the London Big Ben clock it showed a phrase from the river to the sea.  Tom says  all are going against Israel. Its  expected because its in the Word.  Until day of the rapture it gets worse.

UN sending delegates to Taiwan to prevent the war and China claims that is interference.

Tom says so many strange things going on with airplanes,  Things breaking, people in the planes acting up.  Thinks a demonic spirit fell on this earth around 2020.  They don’t have the Lord.  Recent report of passengers aboard a US flight grabbed a man who tried to open an emergency exit mid air, forcing American Airlines plane to return shortly after takeoff.  Passengers pulling him off exit door and many people on top of him to keep him off. Bad. 

Past 24 hour earthquakes,  41 over 4.0, 8 over 5.0.

Interesting report.  Saying 7 other planets in our Solar System will form a line as the 2024 eclipse crosses America on the exact day.  Extremely rare event that will never be seen again.  In Luke 21:25  Jesus said we should watch for signs in the sun, moon and stars just prior to His return.   Doesn’t say the rapture happens that day but it is a sign.

Clown World: 

Tom laughs: Ai is helping the search for extraterrestrial life.  Looking for ET’s with Ai!   It’s demonic we know.


Reads of a believer with such a hard life and yet she says God has been faithful through it all.  Tom says he thinks about the times we complain, we should’t. 

Says she was brought up in the faith and at 7 asked Jesus  to be her Savior at a revival one night. Then she  wondered, did she know it is  true that she is His child.  Then she heard a voice like a young man behind her say its true, its all true.  No one around her that it could have been.  Says years later, asking Jesus to forgive me and be with me is real. Jesus died for our sins, its true, all true.  Trust Him, He is waiting for you.


Thankful for grandmothers.  When a rebellious as a teen, her grandmother had churches in 3 different states praying for her.  Says now she is raising her children in the ways of the Lord and can’t wait to see her grandmother again.   We need Him, He is always there for us.  Keep praying and trust Him.

Hears from ones that criticize the pre-tribulation rapture.  Why?  We are praying for unsaved loved ones to be saved.  We are reading God’s Word and trusting in His promises, watching expectantly for our Savior and longing to be with Him.  Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Tom finds many who say they are believers and criticize on this  in a very angry way.  Doesn’t  see the joy in the Lord in them or them sharing the Gospel.  Doesn’t understand why they aren’t excited Jesus is coming to get us, they should be!


Tom says there is no time to wait to receive Him.  Can’t say there is time. This is a  different time period.  Watching the  tribulation being setup and waiting for the rapture.  Don’t be on the fence.  Look at it, read the Bible, the  book of John, talk to Him.

Jesus came because He loves us.  To shed His blood to remove all sins.  Once we understand and believe what it does we are saved,   He wants a family for eternity.  The King of kings and Lord of lords.  Believe, be saved, born again, receive the Holy Spirit.  Warns if reject will go to hell.   

Be saved today.

Today’s Scriptures:

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 KJV

[3] Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; [4] who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. 

Timestamp: 2:03

John 14:18 KJV

[18] I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. 

Timestamp: 2:35

John 14:26 KJV

[26] But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 

Timestamp: 2:48

Matthew 5:4 KJV

[4] Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Timestamp: 3:03

John 16:7 KJV

[7] Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Timestamp: 3:12

John 14:16 KJV

[16] And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 

Timestamp: 4:04



I was saved at the age of 5 watching Billy Graham on TV.  I was abused, I led a promiscuous life early on.  I was running from my hurt and shame.  I Got married @21, had 2 children, I was deeply depressed most of my adult life.  I Attempted or thought about suicide more times then I want to remember.  BUT God!!through all this Jesus  never left me.  At 45 this January 2023 I was watching a video and Jesus asked me “what are you looking for”… I said “Your truth”  he said “Let me show you” Guys His story is much better written than ours!! I used to laugh in my sleep my husband finally stopped waking me up to see if I was ok.  The Holy Spirit revealed to me recently it was Jesus telling me something funny!  He was healing my heart!  He will never leave us or forsake us!  He loves us so much!!! Thank you Jesus!!


Family,I was a nominal christian, believing going to church every occasion i what its all about..until Jesus lovingly broke my ankle ..and its in hospital that the Spirit of God spoke to me to truly repent!Immediately, there was a noticeable change in me..all i did was Christ inspired from there on.He changed my lifestyle ..lovingly and gently..He showed me incredible mercy!I now live with the navigation of the Holy Spirit.