The Coming 7 Year Tribulation

The Coming 7 Year Tribulation

The Coming 7 Year Tribulation

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
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NOTES: Tom says one day closer to the rapture! 

Tom is thinking about Hazelnut coffee and French cruller.  Sound good?

Tom discusses what the Bible says about the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. 

Reads Revelation  6:2.   Jesus is the only one worthy to open the seals. 

 The 1st seal. John sees a White Horse with a bow and crown given him and went out conquering.  The White Horse with the Antichrist.  He is revealed and signs a covenant.  Tom says we assume it is a 7 year agreement that gives Israel the right to build its temple.  Daniel 9:27.

The 2nd seal is the Red Horse.  Death and violence.  Revelation  6:3-4.  Takes peace from the earth that people should kill one another and he was given a great sword.  Tom says the violence will be like none other.

The 3rd Seal.  Black Horse.  Inflation and economic troubles.  Revelation 6:5-6.  The inflation goes so high a person will work a full day and get the ingredients to make 1 loaf of bread, nothing else.  

The 4th Seal.  Pale or Green Horse.  Death.  Revelation  6:7-8.  Kills one fourth the population on the earth.  They say there are 8 Billion right now, picture 2 billion die.

The first 3 1/2 years are very terrible.  Tom says some people mention the colors of the 4 horses are the same colors of the Palestinian flag.  White, Red, Black and Pale or Green.

The 5th Seal.  Cry of the martyrs.  Revelation 6:9-11.  John sees under the altar those slain for their faith, the tribulation saints.  They cry out to God to judge the earth.  They receive a white robe and were told to rest a little while until the number of the rest of the martyrs were completed.

The 6th Seal.  Cosmic disturbance.  Revelation  6:12-17.  A great earthquake and the sun became black and the moon like blood and the stars fell to the earth.  The sky receded and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.  The great mighty men and the slaves hid themselves in the caves and the rocks and mountains and they said to the rocks, fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and of the wrath.  

The 7th Seal.  Revelation 8:1-6.   Leads up to the 7 trumpets which starts the second 3 1/2 years.  The Great Tribulation.  Silence in heaven for 1/2 hour. 7 angels receive  7 trumpets.  Another angel was given incense from the altar and the angel gave the incense with the prayers of all the saints to the altar before the throne of God.  The angel took it and put it with fire and threw it to the earth.   Followed was much noise on the earth with earthquakes, thunder, lightning.

Tom impresses these things are about to come on the earth and we are waiting.  Warns those that will be left here, don’t be.


Tomorrow the International Court of Justice, the Hague, is going to give a ruling on the “genocide” case toward Israel.  Tom says it won’t likely do anything but gives the world more reason to tell Israel to stop.   

More advancement into the town of Khan Yunis.  Uncovered and eliminated many Hamas cells.  Many terrorists taken out.

Egyptian president refused to take a phone call from Netanyahu.  Israel wants to be at the part of the Egyptian Israel border to prevent Hamas leaders from escaping Gaza, possibly with Israeli hostages.  And to prevent weapons from coming into Gaza.  Egypt and Israel at odds.

Hamas continues to say the only deal to free the hostages must include a permanent cease fire, continued Hamas rule in Gaza and release of Palestinian terrorists.  Israel says it won’t, Oct 7 has changed the rules.

Iran and Turkey agree to back terrorist organization fighting against Israel.

In the Red Sea 2 vessels turned back after large explosions.  Houthi’s fired missiles at ships in the Red Sea.

A new cartoon on Amazon called has Been hotel.  Praises Lucifer and demonizes heaven.  Animated adult show.  Angels without mentioning God.  Shows todays moral and spiritual confusion.  

Last 24 hours: 55 earthquakes over 4.0, 12 over 5.0.

Chat bots taught how to lie and they were good at it!  Ai safety techniques failed to stop the behavior and made it worse.  Tom says demonic forces at play and will be used by antichrist.

Testimonies:  got to the point of desperation and cried out to God.  God slowly refined and gave peace and strength beyond understanding.  Says can’t wait to go to church every week and blessed by this ministry.   Also recognizing their need to repent over their sins and knows when trouble comes God is right beside them. 

Tom says when we belong to Jesus it’s the most important thing,

Raised without God and a difficult time.  Had a child and and when her daughter was 6 begged  her mom to take her to church.  She wanted to go after hearing about it from her friend at school.  She kept asking for 2 years.  Finally she took her and the mom went to a Baptist moms group and heard a prayer for the first time.  She went to a Bible study on Proverbs 31 and learned about  the woman at the well, felt like it was her. 

Tom said God used the children to lead her to Jesus and salvation and give her life to Jesus.   Tom  says the faith of a child  is so beautiful.


Says heard praise music in his shop and realized it was a couple that his son had witnessed to and they were playing music of thanksgiving to God.   

Says thankful we can watch this video.  So many have to hide to read the Word of God.

Comments that staying and sitting on the fence is making a choice to not trust and follow.  Don’t  be on the fence when Jesus calls.  


Satan tries to keep people away from hearing and receiving the Gospel.

Tom tells every day the message of Jesus paying for our sins with His blood.  Warns of hell if reject it. 

If keep rejecting, the heart will become hardened. 

Says think all of He did to save us so we could be forgiven and spend eternity with Him.  Receive and thank Him for forgiveness and being saved, born again and rapture ready.  He changes lives. 

Time is so short.  Many will turn to Jesus after the rapture but will be beheaded. 

Come now, join the family of God.

Today’s Scriptures:

Revelation 6:2 KJV

[2] And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Timestamp: 3:08

Daniel 9:27 KJV

[27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Timestamp: 3:53

Revelation 6:34 KJV

[3] And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. [4] And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Timestamp: 4:25

Revelation 6:56 KJV

[5] And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. [6] And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Timestamp: 6:06

Revelation 6:78 KJV

[7] And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. [8] And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Timestamp: 7:14

Revelation 6:910 KJV

[9] And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: [10] and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 

Timestamp: 8:42

Revelation 6:1217 KJV

[12] And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; [13] and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. [14] And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. [15] And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; [16] and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: [17] For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Timestamp: 9:39

Revelation 8:16 KJV

[1] And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. [2] And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. [3] And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. [4] And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand. [5] And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. [6] And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

Timestamp: 11:10

Psalm 83:118 KJV

[1] Keep not thou silence, O God: Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. [2] For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: And they that hate thee have lifted up the head. [3] They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, And consulted against thy hidden ones. [4] They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; That the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. [5] For they have consulted together with one consent: They are confederate against thee: [6] The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; Of Moab, and the Hagarenes; [7] Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; The Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; [8] Assur also is joined with them: They have holpen the children of Lot. Selah. [9] Do unto them as unto the Midianites; As to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison: [10] Which perished at Endor: They became as dung for the earth. [11] Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: Yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna: [12] Who said, Let us take to ourselves The houses of God in possession. [13] O my God, make them like a wheel; As the stubble before the wind. [14] As the fire burneth a wood, And as the flame setteth the mountains on fire; [15] So persecute them with thy tempest, And make them afraid with thy storm. [16] Fill their faces with shame; That they may seek thy name, O LORD. [17] Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; Yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: [18] That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, Art the Most High over all the earth.

Timestamp: 15:24



Hi Tom!! Thank you so much for your daily messages!! I was raised Catholic and always questioned certain things in that religion. I always knew about Jesus but didn’t know Jesus! Occasionally heard a voice telling me that i needed to be saved and baptized. I had stopped going to the Catholic church at this point. Time passed and i entered an Instagram giveaway for a bible and i won.  Received the beautiful bible but didn’t read it. Finally went to Calvary Chapel in Phila on March 2021 and was saved then baptized July 2021! I now read my bible daily and love Jesus so much,  that i cannot get enough!! Ready to be raptured when our Savior returns for us!! Maranatha!


I was saved at 9 years old after watching the Left Behind movie at our church. I backslid from the age of 15 until early 30s. I rededicated my life to the Lord and got baptized a few years ago. I’m never looking back! Thank you Lord for saving me!


I am that prodigal daughter. I was completely shipwrecked in life in 2017 after being saved in 2014. Over a period of three days in 2017 the Lord completely surprised me by performing many miracles in me. He completely delivered me from many drugs and pills, cigarettes, alcohol, cell phone addiction, these holds I had in Tarot and bad books, things I had addictions to for over 10 years…I mean everything. Like I was a completely different person and he’s still not finished with me yet! During this time he also showed me the rapture that he was going to “crack open the sky” at THAT time I didn’t know what the rapture was yet. I’m SO excited to spend eternity with the one and only that could save me and bring me back to him when I thought I was to far gone to be redeemed. God loves us SO much! Nobody loose hope he’s coming SO soon!