The Cease-Fire’s FINAL Day?

The Cease-Fire’s FINAL Day?

The Cease-Fire’s FINAL Day?

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NOTES: Tom suggests have strawberry lemonade and cornbread. Tom says I don’t like cornbread but maybe you do! And hang out with an old friend and a fellow servant of the Lord. Let’s get busy!

Tom says a lot of ground to cover. Prays, Lord Jesus lead me, guide me. Tom shares some of his favorite Bible verses.

Jeremain 29:11, Psalm 42:11, Isaiah 40: 31, Psalm 121: 7-8, Matthew 11: 28, Romans 5: 3-4, Psalm 119: 114, Psalm 31: 24, Micah 7:7.

Tom reminds us God hears us when we talk to Him. Amazing, the God of the universe hears us. Tom says these days are dark, hard. Tom feels we may be the generation that will not taste natural death.

Tom says don’t think 3 days, 5 days, 6 months or even a year down the road.  Just think of today.  Live today. God gives strength for the day.

Tom still thinks this war of October 7 leads to the rapture.

Israel Today: Israel was about to return to war but this morning with only 10 minutes to spare Hamas sent the list of hostages.  Only 8, Hamas says they can’t find anymore living children and mothers to release. Hamas won’t release soldiers or men of military age unless Israel pays a far higher price they say.

Supposedly the last day of the ceasefire.

J. Post: a shooting this morning near the entrance to Jerusalem. 3 Killed and 5 more wounded by Hamas  attack. Tom says so this is what happens in the middle of a ceasefire.

Times of Israel: Ben Givir says we must only speak to Hamas through military actions. After the mornings attack he said  this incident proves how much we can’t show weakness and must respond with military pressure.

Another terrorist attack in Jordan Valley this morning.  2 soldiers lightly wounded. This morning Netanyahu met with Secretary of State Blinken in Jerusalem.  Netanyahu says about the attack in Jerusalem it is the same Hamas as Oct. 7. Says we swore to eliminate Hamas and nothing will stop us. We will continue this war until we achieve the 3 goals.  Release all hostages, eliminate Hamas completely and of Gaza never again face such a threat.

Times of Israel:  Benny Gantz says Jerusalem attack strengthens Israel’s resolve to keep up war on terror. Tom says, will it be the final day of the ceasefire? If they are out of women and children and won’t release men.

American officials asked PA leader Abbas If he is prepared to retake the Gaza strip after Hamas is overthrown. He says only if a Palestinian state is established immediately in Gaza and the West Bank and free passage between the 2 territories and no Israeli interference in any Palestinian affairs. So Tom says they  want a 2 state solution.

This is Tom’s take on it. A Palestinian state established immediately in Gaza and West Bank and a little golden pathway and a planet fitness membership, a tray of brownies and a deli platter. Tom says he added the last 3 things! Tom says our world leaders are nuts.

Insider Paper: Russia said it is grateful to Hamas for the Gaza hostage release. Said he thanked Hamas for freeing 2 Russian women hostages from Gaza outside a truce deal.

Tom is upset with that one. Says its like saying thank you for taking our women and hiding them in tunnels with little food for 50 days. Then so kind to release them to us after we begged and begged you.

Lebanese government cautioned Israel the border will remain calm as long as the Gaza truce holds. Tom says it seems if they go back to the Gaza war Hezbollah will come after them. So much pressure for Israel to stop this war.  To say, peace and safety, peace and security.

JWS reports Netanyahu  has said they are going to fight to the end. Says this is his policy and his cabinet stands behind it, the soldiers and people stand behind it.

Yesterday a US navy ship shot down a drone that was launched from Yemen, Iran backed Houthis.

J Post: Iran continues to use drones in its shadow war against Israel. By using drones which fly low and slow verses something like ballistic missiles which fly high and fast in hopes Israel will absorb the threat rather than compelled to respond.

Chaos in Manhattan New York as thousands of pro Palestinian protestors  gathered for the annual Rockerfeller  Christmas tree lighting  event. They broke through barricades, flooded the streets, fought with police, arrests made.

Daily Mail: China’s mystery pneumonia is sweeping Europe. In  Netherlands seeing an alarming surge in similar illness among children.  Seeing Hazmat clad workers in China disinfecting  schools.

Tom says it breaks our heart the things that have happened and are happening to children. Take us Home Lord. Seeing the shadow of the tribulation, plagues and pestilence. They will likely use this for power.

Severe flooding in Sydney Australia, and Peru. Floods in Somalia now affect 2 million. Displaced 750,000 and destroyed almost 5,000 homes.

Over 120 dead in widespread floods In Kenya.

Last  24 hours, 37 earthquakes over 4.0, 3 over 5.0. Tom says at first there were 8 over 5.0 and then they change the numbers.

Article: Church clergy most at risk for jobs from Ai Chat bots. Among the top 20 of those loose their jobs due to Ai. Tom says they are using Ai in churches. Says Rabbis and Pastors have already switched over from studying the Word of God to have Ai help them write sermons.

A funny one. Police looking for a van loaded with 10,000 Crispie Cream donuts that was stolen in Australia! Tom jokes and says shouldn’t steal but they are good donuts!

Comments: Tom says since the 18 months of doing this has only had about 3 comments that they were unsubscribed.  Now ever since Oct 7 and Tom talks about Israel every day, it is in the comments every day that they were unsubscribed.

Brother Keegan says don’t take your eyes off Israel, even for a second, don’t blink.  Because in the twinkling of an eye, any moment now we are going to be caught up and be with Jesus forever.

Says, may the things intended for Israel’s harm be used for her good. May Jerusalem  become a heavy burden, to all of her enemies  that those who try to remove her will be removed. May Israel find the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Isaiah 53.

Says he pastors a church in Nebraska and teaches on the rapture end times tribulation.  Says doesn’t know if they get it but they heard.  Tom says very good when pastors  teach about the end times when we are in the final days. It is rare.

Jesus, Jesus,  Jesus, there’s something about Your Name.  Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain.  Praise the name of Jesus.

Says used to have a wonderful pastor that taught  the book of Revelation in her early teens. Almost 65 and  has been fascinated with it since. Used to wonder how the conditions of the world could possibly come together back then. Now see how it did. Jesus is coming soon.

Gospel: if don’t know Jesus will be left behind in the very worst time. Tom warns of hell if don’t believe.

The people that will be raptured and go to heaven are the ones with the indwelling Holy Spirit. They  belong to Him.

Tom explains the plan of salvation. Jesus shed blood for all sin. Believe that He died, buried, and rose again.

Ask forgiveness, believe and be saved.

Today is the day of salvation.  Be part of our family.

Today’s Scriptures:

Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

[11] For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 

Timestamp: 0:55

Psalm 42:1 KJV

[1] As the hart panteth after the water brooks, So panteth my soul after thee, O God.

Timestamp: 1:08

Isaiah 40:31 KJV

[31] but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Timestamp: 1:21

Psalm 121:78 KJV

[7] The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul. [8] The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in From this time forth, and even for evermore.

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Matthew 11:28 KJV

[28]  Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 

Timestamp: 1:58

Romans 5:34 KJV

[3] And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; [4] and patience, experience; and experience, hope: 

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Psalm 119:114 KJV

[114] Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.

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Psalm 31:24 KJV

[24] Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, All ye that hope in the LORD.

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Micah 7:7 KJV

[7] Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. 

Timestamp: 3:26