NOTHING Has Changed Regarding The Rapture…

NOTHING Has Changed Regarding The Rapture…

NOTHING Has Changed Regarding The Rapture…

Correction: at the 20:37 mark I said “US Army” and I meant to say “Israeli Army”

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NOTES: Have some tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich and hang out with an old friend and a fellow servant of the Lord.

Tom says here on this channel is a community of believes that mostly agree we are in the very last days, This talk isn’t for them but ones who are very discouraged, troubled, and angry the rapture hasn’t happened yet. Tom wants to help them, encourage them. The rapture has never been about rescuing us from problems, to get us out of life troubles.  

Tom shares his parents both died terrible deaths and believed in the rapture. But they didn’t think it would be in their lifetimes, The reason for the rapture is God is about to show His wrath to a Christ rejecting world. Tom says watching for the rapture is not for everyone. He’s been watching for 40 years for this day. Sees Israel at war and thinks at the end of this war is the peace agreement, the covenant with the antichrist and Israel is allowed to build their Temple  and sacrifice. Some people, like his of oldest  brother, who has been a pastor is not one that watches for the rapture. Rather to be out on street preaching to win people over to Christ.

Tom tells a story about a family getting ready for a big feast, maybe Thanksgiving. Their father leaves to get things. The kids want to know, when is he coming back. They are getting hungry. Their mother says, I don’t know, but he is coming back . Some of the kids wait looking out the window. Others just go off in the other room, maybe want to play, and that is OK. Tom says he is seeing so many discouraged people right now. Tom says God hasn’t told him exactly when He is coming. But we were told to watch.  The world doesn’t want to hear about the rapture but Tom says he can’t be quiet about the rapture, Tom is surprised that the closer we are to the finish line the more he sees confusion, anger and discouragement among believers. There is a rapture, Jesus is coming, and everything is lining up. Don’t lose hope. Tom says he is not bothered by channels that pick a date but some people it bothers. He says he never puts his hope on a date, or hope on  a high watch period, his hope is in Jesus. Jesus  doesn’t lie. He’s coming to get the church. He’s coming soon. Tom says he’s just being honest that he still feels it is within 2023.

Reads Psalm 121 “I will lift up my eyes to the hills from where my help comes from. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved. He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper. The Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil. He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth even forever more.”

News – Insider paper: Israel forces storm hospital in Gaza city. IDF brought in supplies and incubators. Arabic speaking soldiers there to ensure it reaches those in need. Biden says no gun battles in the hospital. Israel says if there are no armed terrorists inside there won’t be gun battles.  But if there is the hospital has lost its protective status then Biden has no right to make that demand.

Israel today- a little later Arab media says IDF seen taking prisoners at the hospital, so there were and are terrorists there. Amir says US intelligence confirms Hamas and Jihad are using hospitals for their military purposes. Amir said Al Jazeera, favorite TV Channel of Hamas says a Palestinian in the hospital asked, why is the resistance among us, why don’t they go to hell and hide there? The journalist abruptly cut him off, Then heavy shooting at the hospital, Proof it is a terror base. Amir says it’s clear this hospital is the main head quarters. Says their war crime of hiding under  hospitals is coming to an end. At midnight last night they said the hospital is under full control of the Israeli army.

Amir is saying IDF arrested more than 200 terrorists inside the hospital held there.

Yemen Houthi threatens to attack Israeli ships in the Red Sea. They are unmarked. They say every ship that passes through the Red Sea will be hit.

Times of Israel says nearly 300,000 in the rally for Israel hostages release, and condemned Hamas October 7 th onslaught saying, never again. They say it was the largest pro Israel gathering in US history.

The air craft striker carrier, USS Dwight Eisenhower, has arrived in the Gulf of Oman. Parked less than 150 miles from Iran, Serious, last days.

 US army blows up and destroys the Parliament building in Gaza.

Last 24 hours, 40 earthquakes 4.0 and above, 7,  5.0 and above.

Tom says this is comedy gold, a loose horse on a plane forces a flight to return to JFK airport. A 747 cargo plane carrying a horse had to dump 20 tons of fuel and return to JFK after the horse escaped it’s crate inside the plane!  A charter flight operated by Air Atlanta climbed to 31,000 feet when the crew contacted air traffic control in Boston to report the horse escaped from its stall!. Tom laughs!

 A confused Industrial robot crushed a worker to death at a vegetable packing plant in S. Korea. A 40 year old man working at a produce sorting facility was accidentally crushed to death by a robot who mistook  the man for a box of vegetables. Tom  says don’t work with robots.


Says if we stop looking forward to the rapture it simply means never understood the rapture in the first place. The bride that gets impatient with the groom because the wedding date is taking too long to happen never loved the groom in the first place. If you really love Jesus you will be inviting others to accept the invitation to the wedding. Don’t loose heart. Says agrees now is not the time to stop watching and give into discouragement and despair, Turn to Jesus for strength. James 1:12 “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood that test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him”  

Tom says he doesn’t see anything but a soon rapture, playing out before our very eyes. None of this matters if you don’t know who the Lord is or what He did for you . What good is it If you know about the rapture but you don’t belong to the Lord.

Gospel: The most important event in the world, God sending this Son, The perfect Son of God shed His blood for every person ever born for every sin, the power to take away every sin. But only the power to forgive the sins of people that have faith in Jesus for their salvation.

Say to the Lord you’re a sinner and believe in the power of His blood, Believe that blood washes us white as snow from sin.  Turn from unbelief to belief in Jesus Is repentance. Trust in His finished work, atoning blood. Say  forgive me. You are born again, belong to God. Spend eternity in heaven. Saved by grace through faith.

Ephesians 2: 8-9 “For by grace you have been saved, through faith and that, not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.”

Warns if reject this gift, the payment, led off to hell.

Today  is the day of salvation.

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 121:18 KJV

[1] I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, From whence cometh my help. [2] My help cometh from the LORD, Which made heaven and earth. [3] He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber. [4] Behold, he that keepeth Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep. [5] The LORD is thy keeper: The LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. [6] The sun shall not smite thee by day, Nor the moon by night. [7] The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul. [8] The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in From this time forth, and even for evermore.

Timestamp: 13:49

Ephesians 2:89 KJV

[8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] not of works, lest any man should boast. 

Timestamp: 28:39