More War After Passover…??

More War After Passover…??

More War After Passover…??

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0:00 Intro
4:07 News
20:03 Clowwwon World
22:00 Testimonies & Comments
25:14 Gospel

Watchman River Tom – April 22, 2024 –  More War after Passover?


Another good day to serve the Lord as we await the pre-tribulation rapture together.


  Tom  started a second channel and said on Friday he had 10 subscribers and now almost 9,000.  All about lifting up the name of Jesus.  Yesterday they did communion together  there.


Tom wants to share about a Scripture that he didn’t understand when he was young.  Matthew 5:46-48, the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus giving instruction on loving each other.  Jesus says be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect.  Tom said it confused him because we can’t be perfect.  The he realized, that’s the point, we can’t be perfect.  Tom says he gets many comments of what works we should do.  Some say to Tom   pray with your hat on, some say pray with your hat off!  The way will live is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.  We will be perfect only when we are on the other side.


Amir said Saturday they say the the evacuations of citizens from Rafah will begin right after the Passover.  Today is April 22,  the day of Passover.  


Some still say the sacrifice of Red Heifer will happen today.   Tom wonders if they already performed it.  Thinks they have been waiting for 2,000 years for a perfect Red Heifer and when one became available they would not delay.


The third temple and sacrifice will happen.  The Bible doesn’t say if we are here for that.



Netanyahu says in the coming days they will increase the military pressure on Hamas.  They are still fighting but it’s calmed down some, especially during Passover.  We don’t know what Iranian proxies may do doing Passover.


Times of Israel – IDF says it remains on high alert on all fronts during Passover.  In Nothern Israel IDF says its deployed on Lebanon and Syrian borders with strong defense and ready.


Jerusalem Post – Police arrest multiple people on suspicion of planning a Passover sacrifice in Jerusalem.  They were trying to sneak lambs and goats to the Temple Mount. One was sneaking one  inside a baby carriage.


Jerusalem Post – Iran and  proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and West Bank  often use Jewish holidays to create increased tensions.  As October 7 was a holiday.  Expects more escalation over the holiday.


Israel war cabinet meeting again today.  Tom comments on all the rumors of war.  Feels like birthpains.  We have days with so much news and feel like we are about to be raptured up then a lull, then it ramps up again.  Even the lulls have much more news than in the past.


Insider Paper – Israel military intelligence chief resigns after taking responsibility for failures leading up to Hamas attacks of October 7.  The first Israeli official to step down.  Said they did not live up to the task they were entrusted with.  Says he carries that black day with him ever since.


Insider Paper – Kyiv warns situation on the front will worsen in May.  Likely to steadily deteriorate in the coming weeks.   Ukraine force struggles to hold back Russian troops who have gained ground in recent months.  Tom says we pray for the people.  


Last night there were videos of Putin being rushed to the Kremlin for an emergency meeting. Don’t know why.


Today North Korea launched some more ballistic missiles toward Japan.  Flew 186 miles before landing in the sea.


Hundreds protested Sunday in Niger to tell US troops to go home.  Washington expected to arrange an orderly withdrawal.  More than 1,000 soldiers  are there.  Washinton has  built a hundred million dollar base to fly a fleet of drones.  Tom says  pray for these to get home safely.


Terrible flooding in China from a river surging to record levels, affecting millions of people. Like a Niagara Falls. 


141 earthquakes over eastern US in the last 30 days, more than usual, as usually it is the western area.  Also more than usual in Southern Appalachians.  


Last 48 hours earthquakes,  99 over 4.0,  14 over 5.0  In recent hours, many in Taiwan.


14 state officials warn Bank of America about de-banking of Christians.  The Bank of America has been discriminating against religious ministries.


The hate against Jews is rapidly increasing especially among colleges.  Columbia University Rabbi told the Jewish students to go home, not safe there. Even in Yale, that is close to Tom is much antisemitism. 


Tom says it a sign of the tribulation and the soon rapture to take us out.


Clown World –

Forbes – AI changing content creation.  Article asks what does the thought of AI bring to mind?  Says better get used to it.  The rise of Chat GPT or robots taking over.  Tom says no, I’ll just have water, and the rapture!


Testimonies and comments – 

With Jesus lives changed thanks to our Redeemer.  Saved and a new path.  


Jesus is the answer to all our prayers.  To all we need when weary, alone, have nothing, abused, who need love, need forgiveness, and life.  Be patient, be kind, be blessed.


He is everything, the only answer.  


His parents said years ago when we hear about building of a third temple we know we are close.


Gospel –

He is everything.  Urgency now more than ever to see what is coming and need to be saved before its too late.  No excuses, don’t ignore.  Realize the need to receive Jesus payment for forgiveness. 


Jesus, the Creator of everything, the only begotten Son of God came to shed His blood to remove all sins.  The perfect sacrifice.  Died, buried, rose the third day to take care of all sins so we could be with Him forever. 


Saved by grace through faith.  Admit of being a sinner and believe in all He did for us.  Be saved, born again, rapture ready.  


Reject it, will go to hell, sins not forgiven.


Be saved today,  receive Him.


Today’s Scripture:


Matthew 5:46-48 KJV

[46] For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? [47] And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? [48] Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.