Israel… A Cup Of Trembling…

Israel… A Cup Of Trembling…

Israel… A Cup Of Trembling…

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
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NOTES: says he is keeping it short today as he feels better but can hardly talk without coughing.

Tom says it says in Zechariah 12: 1-3 Israel is a cup of trembling. The nations drunk with the hatred of Israel. There are protests, against Israel, all over the world driving the Jewish people back to the land from all over,  from Europe. 

Tom thinks this war leads to the rapture and at some point God steps in. He eliminates the inner ring of the enemies. It would clear a path for the third temple and the sacrifices. They have 4 perfect Red Heifers for that, only need one. That has not happened for thousands of years. We are in the very very last days.


Tom wants to cover this one that just happened. Israel strike killed a high level Hezbollah commander. Amir says this is even more serious than the one killed last week. Tom says this is the brother in law of Nasrallah. 

Tom reads a few comments:

Says they are going back to Connecticut from Florida and saw someone on the beach with a Bible. When asked what she was reading she said the book of Daniel. She got so excited about how we are in the last days. When they parted she said, see you in the air! All the body of Christ feels it, we are going Home soon. True paradise awaits us, better than any vacation or beach. 

Cool Kat: times are tough but we have to remember Jesus is closer to returning than ever. 

Tom says Paul said he didn’t have to write to us, we would know when we were in the season. Waiting for this next event.

Says her daughter is 34 and has severe cerebral palsy. Says when the trumpet sounds and Jesus calls us up her daughter will be instantly changed. She will receive her new body. She will walk and not be weary, run and not be faint. Says they will sing praises to Jesus together forevermore. 

Testimony: says as a child knew about Jesus but didn’t have a relationship with Him. Had a best friend Bill who knew the Lord. They saw that and when Bill went to be with the Lord they were so sorrowful. They cried out to the Lord and say they clearly heard Jesus answer  and say, “Come to Me.” They gave their life to the Lord, the best decision they ever made. 

Tom says Jesus is all we need. He paid everything and wants to spend eternity with Him. We can’t do anything to earn it. He was the perfect sinless sacrifice. Came to die to pay for our sins. Without the payment of blood there would be no remission of sins. All we need to do is ask forgiveness and believe in what He did to remove all sins, past, present and future. As far as the East is from the West. He died, was buried and rose again and seen by over 500 people. Tom says talk to Him.

Tom says hell was made for the devil and his angels. But so many will end up there because they rejected the payment for their sins. Tom warns, we must receive His work for our sins. Many will say no than yes. 

Today is the day of salvation. Don’t put it off.

Today’s Scriptures:

Zechariah 12:13 KJV

[1] The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. [2] Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. [3] And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. 

Timestamp: 0:35



I was an atheist and then a witch. I unknowingly channeled demons through other occult practices. 23 years ago a colleague told me the Gospel and I immediately knew I was on the wrong side. I disposed of all my demonic books and items that day and have been kept by grace in the Lord Jesus Christ ever since.


I was saved at 8 years old. Then not knowing any better I went my own way. As an older adult I came back to Him. I’m so thankful that He is faithful and He truly never leaves or forsakes us. Praise His Holy Name.


I was a lukewarm  Christian but started reading Left Behind, first book in the series.  I felt like I was hit by a freight train. All of a sudden the Bible became crystal clear and  Jesus changed my life forever.  I look up everyday and long for His coming.


I was 16 years old and went to a service one Sunday night. A neighbor took me. I wanted to go forward to accept Jesus, but was afraid to. So I went back to the car. The doors were locked, so I went back in and accepted Jesus ..I later found out that the car doors weren’t locked..but just for me, thanks be to my Savior.