Iran Moving Missiles. Dangerous Times!

Iran Moving Missiles. Dangerous Times!

Iran Moving Missiles. Dangerous Times!

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
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NOTES: Tom says, watching dangerous things.  Iran moving bombs that could reach anywhere in Israel.  

Tom is thinking of Ramen with curry and vegetables. Likes it but not the hard boiled egg in there!

Verses of encouragement:   I Thessalonians 5:1, we need to encourage and comfort each other right now.    Isaiah 40:31, Deuteronomy 31:8, He is always with us.  Isaiah 43:2, Joshua 1:9, Psalm 121:1-2. He prepares a place for us. 


Tom asks how close is Iran from having a nuclear weapon?  A few sources say Iran has enough to build several atomic warheads.  Tom tends to think it is close.

Tom says we  see Iran is getting braver as what we just saw with Pakistan.

A US military base in Iraq was hit by a drone that caused an explosion. They don’t know who is responsible.  

Houthi rebels say they hit an American ship in the Gulf of Aden called the Chem Ranger.  US denies it.  Then US sent strikes to Houthis as it continues.

Arabs plan to end the war in Gaza and create a Palestinian state and a cease fire, release of the hostages and normalize ties with Israel.  It could include Saudi Arabia normalizing ties with Israel which has been a goal of Israel and the US.

Tom reports a comment that Amir had on his telegram. Says  he has not heard it anywhere else so not sure what to think yet.  Amir said even Aljazera is now reporting dead bodies of 21 Israeli civilians held by Gaza found in Khan Yunis.  Says Hamas is slaughtering hostages.  Tom says if it is true, its very serious.

Thursday Netanyahu and Biden talked.  Tom says they hadn’t talked since about Dec 21.   Netanyahu hits back at US for suggesting a Palestinian State. Warns Biden not to coerce Israel to  endanger its people.  Tom says they are pressuring Israel to stop the war and they want a 2 state solution.  Watch the weather in the US.

Also on an interview on national TV Netanyahu rejected US calls to scale back Israel military offensive in Gaza  and take steps for a Palestinian state after the war.

Also US Secretary of State pushing a plan for Palestinian Authority to take over Gaza.  Also the Biden Administration and Israel security establishment are pushing to kick out Netanyahu and the religious right block from power.

Tom says we are watching and resting in Jesus,  He has us.

Netanyahu is in an impossible situation with Israel’s public.  Risk relations with US by insisting total victory or agree to demands and accept defeat.

Netanyahu was asked if he has anything to apologize for to events of Oct 7.  He says the way the questions were asked was designed to blame him.  No one is immune from mistakes, even me he says.  Said to the reporter he will continue to fight Hamas and the reporters will continue to fight him.  Another reporter asked why they are attacking the proxies rather than Iran directly and Netanyahu says they are attacking Iran.  

Tom sees the rapture soon.  With all these events, we can’t be in full fledged WW3 mode, because as in the days of Noah, people will still be living normal life.

Joint naval exercises that involved nuclear powered US aircraft carrier by Washington,  S. Korea and Tokyo were just held. After that N. Korea leader Kim said it tested an underwater nuclear weapons system.   He said that the drills were threatening the security in the north and said that is why he did the underwater test called hail 523 under development in the East Sea of Korea.  Tom says Kim doesn’t want to be left out, needs attention.

Pakistan Prime Minister holds emergency security meeting following the strikes between Iran and Pakistan.

Tom says hard to figure why that happened when 2 days earlier they were doing joint military exercises together. 

5.7 earthquake in Columbia.  Last 24 hours 42 over 4.0 and 9 over 5.1 and one over 6.0.

Clown World – Tom is having a fuss, wants to eat real meat, not something grown in a test tube or some tumor fungi thing growing they call meat – ick!   Article says health officials in Israel gave permission to grow “cultivated beef steaks”.  Will use cultivated beef cells derived from a fertilized egg from a Black Angus cow named Lucy living on a California farm.  Tom says no!!

Article says Ai inventor of Google deep mind claims within a few years Ai could run a business and be an inventor.  Tom says Lord take us Home please.   Don’t want to live in clown world!  But people need Jesus.

Testimonies – 

A prodigal that roamed off and it took awhile but came back and is home to stay.

Says grew up in a family of 5 boys and his brother and him are identical twins.  Both accepted Jesus at same time at the age of 12.  Both love Bible prophecy.  Lists some things that are happening with these end days and says both are rapture ready.  Said God put us together so we keep an eye on each other while growing up.  Now soon to be 80 years old.  Named Ron & Don.   Thanks Tom for being a drill sargent about the rapture.  Looking forward to meeting soon in the New Jerusalem in the New Heaven.  So happy you are also our brother in Christ.


After Tom read about the sister in Christ in the comments yesterday of being disabled and living in her car many responded with prayers and offers of help.  She said she felt so blessed and humbled.  Says she lives in Stockton California.  Came out from Colorado to be warmer.  Tom hopes they can get her help.  Tom says with his 85,000 subscribers there are many hundreds of needs.

Tom says we don’t let people rob our joy of anticipating the rapture.  Says sees it so close, with talk of WW3, but that won’t happen while we are here.  If it does, that is the moment we are going up.

Gospel:  Warns don’t reject what Jesus did for sins.  Because will not go to heaven, won’t be saved their  sins but go to hell.  Ask forgiveness of sins and receive what Jesus did by the shedding of His blood for all sin on the cross.

Believe, be saved, Holy Spirit sealed, rapture ready.

Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords. He wants to spend eternity with us and lavish us with His goodness.  Things we can’t even imagine, no eye has seen or ear has heard.  A free unearned gift. 

Tom pleads, time is short.  Receive him today.

Today’s Scriptures:

Isaiah 40:31 KJV

[31] but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Timestamp: 3:36

Deuteronomy 31:8 KJV

[8] And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

Timestamp: 4:00

Joshua 1:9 KJV

[9] Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Timestamp: 5:00

Psalm 121:12 KJV

[1] I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, From whence cometh my help. [2] My help cometh from the LORD, Which made heaven and earth.

Timestamp: 5:26



I became a Christian at a young age but didn’t have a relationship with Jesus until two years ago.  My husband, who loves life to the fullest, was diagnosed with terminal cancer.  It was shortly his after his diagnosis that I dedicated my life to God because I wanted to be the best witness for Him that I could be.  I also prayed that my husband would come to know the Lord.  Both have happened, only through the power of Jesus Christ.  It still is rough sometimes but I can’t wait to see Jesus face to face someday.


I was saved at age 8 in the midst of a flood of cataract surgeries,5 to be exact. My Sunday school teacher told us about the gospel and my little 8 yr old mind said, I need this dude Jesus by my side. Tom I’m soon to be 61 yrs old. I’m  now also baptized and I feel my Lord’s present  daily. Maranatha!!!


I felt the “pull” of the Lord during late 2022 but was officially saved and Baptized in The Lord in March 2023. Before that I had been living in sin and felt the Lord calling me out of that and the strong sense that time was running out.