INCREDIBLE News from the Middle East!

INCREDIBLE News from the Middle East!

INCREDIBLE News from the Middle East!

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0:00 Intro
0:39 Scripture
4:08 News
24:00 Testimony & Comments
28:11 The Gospel

May 22, 2024 – Watchman River Tom – Incredible News from the Middle East

Another good day the Lord has made for us, we will rejoice and be glad in it as we wait the pre-tribulation rapture of the church.

Still too busy to recommend a snack, but if he did, probably a chicken taco and a little bit of cilantro on top and iced tea.

Scriptures about being adopted into the family of God, all because of Jesus.

Tom tells a sweet story that he heard of 2 boys that went to register for Little League baseball.  When they go to register the woman registering them asked if they are brothers.  They say yes.  She says, but your birthdays show you are only 6 months apart.  How can you be brothers?  They said one of us is adopted.  She says that makes sense, which one is adopted?  They look at each other and say we always ask our dad and he says he can’t remember.  How beautiful.  

John 1:12 Those that believe in His name are Sons of God.  Because of Jesus, what He did for us. 

1 John 3:1-2 ” Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God.  Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.”  Paul talks about the doctrine of adoption in Ephesians and Romans. 

The Greek word for adoption means, son, or position.  Tom says Jesus took our position on the cross, we deserve death.   He didn’t sin, pays for ours.  To be sons of God forever in eternity.  Beautiful, miraculous, unearned, the perfect picture of the grace of God.  Incredible future when we know Jesus.  In the immediate family of God forever.

News –

Middle East eye –  secret talks in Iran and US  in Oman on Gaza war undermined by Raisi death.  Thought they were making good progress.

US Senior Middle East Advisor held indirect negotiations early this month with Iran.. The topics were, a shared desire in government in Israel.  Ending Israel war in Gaza and preventing the conflict from spreading elsewhere in the region.  

Tom says why is the US meeting with the largest sponsor of terror in the Middle East, responsible for the war  to discuss how to topple Israel government?  That’s despicable.

Israel Today – UN Security Council stood for a minute of silence in honor of Raisi Iran President who died in helicopter crash.  Tom said  they stood for a man who killed young girls who didn’t have the proper head covering.   “Butcher of Tehran”.  Brutal treatment of those who violate Islamic republic moral codes.  Believed to be directly responsible for the execution of tens of thousands of people.  Even US representatives stood to honor him and sent condolences.  Meanwhile people in Iran cheering in the streets.  They know him for  he was.   Tom says this all this points to how close Jesus coming is.

Jerusalem Post – In complete secrecy, Egypt altered the hostage deal terms before handing them to Hamas. Changed it after it had been signed by Israel.   Reports that it angered US, Israel and Qatar against Egypt. Says CIA director Bill Burne, who helped orchestrate the unaltered version for hostage deal was embarrassed and angry the deal had been altered without US or Israel knowledge.  Burns almost “blew a gasket”. 

Last days, lies and deceptions.

Amir – CNN reports the Egyptians were the ones who drew up the hostage deal at the beginning of May. Egyptians blindsided Israel, Qatar and US completely, changing the deal to benefit Hamas.  With the discovery of cross-border tunnels in Rafah seems clear why Egypt was so desperate to get this deal done and prevent IDF from operating in Rafah.

Sky News – Ireland, Norway and Spain recognize Palestine as an Independent State.  Israel orders his Foreign Ministers there to return home immediately saying on Wednesday that message sends to the world that terrorism pays off.    These countries said they are confident that other countries will also join this.  The Irish government said this supports a 2 state solution which they say is essential for lasting peace.

Israel Today – The world seeks to impose defeat on Israel.  Nations unilaterally recognize a Palestine State just 8 months after Palestinians started a war by massacring Jews.  The nations equate Israel leaders with terrorists and look to arrest them.  But God is not mocked.  The message to Palestinians is clear.  Kill enough Jews, provoke Israel  to war, will get what you want. 

Tom says it’s a spiritual battle.  In flesh, it makes no sense.  All prophesied it would happen.

Hamas reaction to Ireland, Norway and Spain.  Praises it.  Called it from the “brave resistance and steadfastness” of Palestinians. They think  it will bring a turning point.

Amir – CNN reports the information coming out of Rafah surprises even Israeli intelligence.  There is a tunnel under every other house in Rafah.  Says its clear now why they did all they could do to not let us go into Rafah.

Heavy fighting reported in Rafah as IDF troops move closer to the heart of the South Gaza city.  Also getting ready for Hezbollah.

Keegan – talks about Psalms 83 war.  Tom sees Psalms 83 war now as it says it silences the people forever.

Keegan says Israel is the prophetic time clock, Jerusalem a cup of trembling to the whole word.  And all the countries across the globe calling for a 2 state solution to bring about “peace and security” by dividing Israel and creating a State of Palestine.  When they say “peace and safety”, then sudden destruction, the full blown multi-front Psalms 83 war.  Says God is about to crush Hamas, Houthis and Hezbollah through the pleading cry of beseeching for His Divine intervention.    Israel is on the cusp of entering the time of Jacob’s trouble, the church age, in the final seconds of this dispensation of grace.  We are about to be caught up to the clouds in the rapture.   Tom says how much longer can this go on?

CNN – Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to Palestine population. Saying  the US working with UN and Israel to identify safe delivery routes.  Suspending operations until then.  569 tons of aid sent since last week.  It’s said 80% has been stolen by Gaza.

Insider Paper – Russia started tactical drills near Ukraine, said since it feels threat from the West.  

China warns Taiwan of reprisals over inauguration speech.  The speech talked of Taiwan independence and China warned it would take counter measures.  Earlier China has complained to US over Blinken congratulating Taiwan on the new President.  China considers Taiwan part of its territory and said has not ruled out using force to bring it under its control.

Storms continue.  Needs prayer.  Large tornados in Iowa killing multiple people, at least a dozen injured.  Major destruction.    Destroyed much of Greenfield, Iowa, town of about 2,000 about 55 miles south of Des Moines. There were multiple tornados and giant hail and heavy rain in several states.

Strong storm in Spain.  Strange weather across Europe the new normal.  Saying strong storms could destroy this years harvest.

2 sets of earthquake swarms hit California along Mexico border.  4.1 earthquake, with swarms.  Asks is the big one moving?  As there has been more than 1,000 earthquakes in California and Nevada in the past 7 days.

Last 24 hour earthquakes. 32 over 4.0, 7 over 5.0.

Clown World –

More dangerous outcomes from AI despite efforts to prevent it.  When asked it a question of world talk over AI said, “the unintended consequences of advanced technologies such as AI, biotechnology and  nano technology could lead to catastrophic events such as runaway climate change, global surveillance, dystopias or even threats to humanity.”

Tom  thinks when people start using and playing with it, like Ouija Boards, demonic can enter.   

Testimony and comments –

Powerful testimony of how Jesus gave peace in the midst of severe trial.  Strengthens faith and desire for Him. To serve Him.

Feels the heaviness of war and evil because of Satan.  Can’t wait until He comes to make everything right. Says  come Jesus, we are waiting!

Tries to be reminded to not get upset over the craziness of the world.  Remembers this is what we expected and He is in control and we belong to Him and need not fear.

Says doesn’t understand people, even Christians, hanging on to this broken world, not wanting to leave.  We should want to go Home soon.

Gospel –

This is a broken world of sin.  Its why God sent His Son for us, most amazing event ever.  The perfect Lamb of God.  Came to shed His blood to remove all sins.  Something has to die in order to remove sin.  He did it because of His love so we can spend eternity with Him.

It requires we believe and receive His sacrifice.  Believe, be saved, receive Holy Spirit, rapture ready.  Adopted to the family of God forever.  In His family forever to receive all that heaven is. 

Warns of rejecting, will go to hell forever.

Believe in the King of kings.  That He died, was buried and rose again for eternal life.

Be saved today – forever.  

Today’s Scriptures:

John 1:12 KJV

[12] But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 

1 John 3:1-2 KJV

[1] Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. [2] Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 

Psalm 83:1-18 KJV

[1] Keep not thou silence, O God: Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. [2] For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: And they that hate thee have lifted up the head. [3] They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, And consulted against thy hidden ones. [4] They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; That the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. [5] For they have consulted together with one consent: They are confederate against thee: [6] The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; Of Moab, and the Hagarenes; [7] Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; The Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; [8] Assur also is joined with them: They have holpen the children of Lot. Selah. [9] Do unto them as unto the Midianites; As to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison: [10] Which perished at Endor: They became as dung for the earth. [11] Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: Yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna: [12] Who said, Let us take to ourselves The houses of God in possession. [13] O my God, make them like a wheel; As the stubble before the wind. [14] As the fire burneth a wood, And as the flame setteth the mountains on fire; [15] So persecute them with thy tempest, And make them afraid with thy storm. [16] Fill their faces with shame; That they may seek thy name, O LORD. [17] Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; Yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: [18] That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, Art the Most High over all the earth.

Timestamp: 15:12

1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV

[3] For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.