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August 7, 2024 – Watchman River Tom – Important channel announcement!

Scriptures: Psalm 27: 1-14. .. seek to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.. in the time of trouble He shall hide me, in the secret place. My head shall be lifted up above my enemies, offer sacrifices of joy and sing praises. I would have lost heart unless I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart, wait on the Lord.

Tom comments there has been about 10,000 new subscribers just the last few weeks. Wants to remind of some guidelines. Says this is a family of ones that are loving and praying, putting Jesus first. Tom says all are welcomed, invited to be a part.  But there needs to be order. Says this is like a church and it is here to honor God. Like a church should not be allowed to sow discord or get into argument, it is to be a safe place. Tom says this is a pre trib rapture channel. Not to argue theology.  

Israel News:

Hezbolllah gave a speech yesterday. Said, Hezbollah will respond, Iran will respond, Yemen will respond and the enemy is waiting and expecting. Says they have the determination, the decision and ability. Says they will respond with care and caution. Says the waiting is punishment to Israel. 

During the speech Israel war planes were flying at low altitude over Beirut causing sonic booms due to breaking the sound barrier. Israel was also striking targets during the speech.

News that Sinwar was voted to replace the leader of Hamas that was killed in Tehran last week. Israel Foreign Minister Katz promises to swiftly eliminate the new Hamas chief Sinwar.

Commets made that Israel is acting in defensive position to maintain benefits of the US and allies. Maintaining limited and narrow attacks to prevent imminent strikes. There has been non stop talks of Israel striking Iran and Hezbollah as Jerusalem has been waiting since July 31 with the threat from Iran of retaliation. 

Tom says they are always saying, in 24-48 hours. Many are asking why is Israel waiting to be hit with unprecedented powers from Hezbollah and Iran if it can instead hit first and so reduce the effectiveness of expected attacks. 

Israel’s defense establishment says a preemptive strike against Hezbollah or other proxies now is not the correct move. Says if intelligence shows Hezbollah or other forces are deploying long range weapons or a major attack is imminent IDF will attack. Officials in America wonder if Iran is rethinking its plans. Tom says, not likely. 

Bubba News: Prime Minister of Pakistan is in Saudi Arabia. Bubba says watching Pakistan. They announce their intentions to supply arms to Iran, possible nuclear against Israel. 

Bubba says if Israel strikes Iran’s nuclear facilities first then Iran will strike Israel’s nuclear facility in 400 seconds with their hypersonic missile that would take 6.66 minutes. Tom says Israel’s won’t be struck, we know what the Bible says. 

Bubba says it seems Iran has a new multinational military force. More people groups coming together for Ps 83 war he says. Bubba thinks these 10 groups in Psalm 83 are not necessarily countries but people groups that surround Israel currently. Says Iran has set up a new militia in Iraq. Says it will consist of 10,000 plus new fighters including 1,600 plus Houthis from Yemen plus Iran militias and proxies, not one fighting force. The combined force will infiltrate Israel from the north and east just like Hamas did to Israel October 7 from the west. All setting up more and more in Bible prophecy every day now more than ever.

Amir says Hezbollah’s largest barrage since the beginning of the war was being launched in N. Israel yesterday. 

Amir says Syrian tribal Arab forces have been capturing Syrian oil fields from the Americans. Us coalitions have begun air strikes.

More news:

China is holding military exercises in S. China Sea. The US and allies also holding theirs there. Tensions in the disputed water way. Also confrontations there between Chinese and Philippines vessels there. That could cause a wider conflict that brings in the US due to a defense treaty.

Tom says so much is happening, Jesus is coming. 


Severe flooding from hurricane Debby in N. And S. Carolina and Georgia. NYC and Philadelphia affected by floods. Say tons of millions in the NE affected. At least 5 dead in Florida and Georgia. Some tornadoes. At the present it is stalled over S. Carolina and Georgia.

5.3 earthquake in California felt throughout S. California. At least 31 aftershocks.

Commets in this difficult world until the rapture remember He has equipped us with everything we need including blessed peace. 


Tom says ask people that are saved if they are going to heaven. Most say yes but some say not sure or I hope I am worthy to go in the rapture. Must understand what it means to be saved. Only Jesus is our worthiness. Him alone. Only because of Him. Perfect sacrifice that was needed. Look at that blood with confidence that it takes away every sin so can be saved and go to heaven. Admit being a sinner and believe and be saved, filled with Holy Spirit and rapture ready. Be saved today, forever.

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 27:1-14 KJV

[1] The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? [2] When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, They stumbled and fell. [3] Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: Though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. [4] One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. [5] For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: In the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. [6] And now shall mine head be lifted up, Above mine enemies round about me: Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD. [7] Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. [8] When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek. [9] Hide not thy face far from me; Put not thy servant away in anger: Thou hast been my help; Leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. [10] When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the LORD will take me up. [11] Teach me thy way, O LORD, And lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies. [12] Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: For false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. [13] I had fainted, Unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. [14] Wait on the LORD: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.