Goodbye America. The End Times

Goodbye America. The End Times

Goodbye America. The End Times

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NOTES: Another great day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Serious conversation, Tom really believes we are watching America go away, goodbye to America.  America’s influence disappearing throughout the world.  America missing in action, not coming back.  So quickly, lawlessness, crimes unpunished without consequences, even from the top.  People just turning their heads.  Some that should speak up are silent and some that shouldn’t are the loudest.  Tom shakes his head, somber.  A nation that has completely turned their back on God, away from Jesus.  1963, the year they took prayer out of the schools, downward fall. The fastest growing religion in the history of this country is Satanism.

Because this is the very last days.  Many churches not teaching the truth.  Not having a Biblical worldview.  Many say America is not seen in Bible prophecy.  Some say it is mystery Babylon. Tom happens to lean that way.  The destruction of America, happening after the rapture.  Last days waiting for Jesus to take us Home.

We don’t put our hope in our country.  Our hope is in Jesus, who paid for our sins with His blood.  King of kings, Lord of lords.  Jesus our only hope in these last days.

Scriptures of Jesus, our security.

John 10:27-29 We are in His hands, no one can take us out.  Romans 8:38-39.  Nothing can separate us from Christ Jesus our Lord.  Philippians 1:6, 2 Corinthians 1:22, sealed in Christ, Isaiah 40:26, we serve a powerful God who loves us, protects us, Psalm 23:6, Ephesians 1:13, John 6:37.

We can’t put our trust in people, economy, stock market, only Jesus.  Goodbye America.  Put our trust in Jesus.  He has a future thats solid, sound and beautiful.


The 3rd day IDF is still in the Shifa Hospital finding more terrorists.  

Amir said in an older report, one of the buildings at Shifa hospital blew up.  Nearly 150 terrorists have been killed in Shifa since the fighting began and hundreds of officials, including senior officials have been arrested.  Some surrendered.

JNS – Most Israelis support a confrontation with Hezbollah.  Report say 63% support attacking Iranian terrorist proxy, while 29% favor military action as soon as possible and 34 % say to wait until Hamas is defeated in Gaza.  Another 34% believe a political settlement without expanding the current war is the best option and 9% undecided.

Hezbollah is using people as human shields placing munitions in the heart of civilian areas.  Israeli jets struck a weapons depot belonging to Hezbollah terror group in the heart of a civilian area of Lebanon.  Large explosion, shows Hezbollah was storing munitions in residential areas.  Areas in south Lebanon, and Beruit  uses the Lebanese people as human shields.  Tom says  just as Gaza does.  A spiritual battle by Satan against Israel.  

Insider Paper:  Saudi Arabia announced 40 million dollar donation to UN Agency for the Palestinians, UNRWA.  

A port in Israel is laying off half its staff because no ships coming because of Houthis.

32 Chinese warplanes detected around Taiwan.  Tom doesn’t think we will see China  invade Taiwan, that it will be after the rapture.  They predict it will be 2025-2026 before they go in.

Insider Paper: Turkey’s central bank hikes interest rates to 50%.   New Zealand economy enters recession.  Tom says the whole word is in trouble economically.

Israel Today:  From Britain, they say Israel must allow Red Cross visits to terrorists captured on or after October 7.  But Hamas refuses to let Red Cross visit Israeli hostages.  Britain says if demands are not met they threaten to stop selling arms to Israel and support a similar embargo across Europe.  Canada also announced it will no longer sell arms to Israel.

Tom reminds of  God’s design for Israel in the Bible.

Tom gets a report from a friend on Telegram asking for prayer.  Said Shenandoah Valley in Virginia was hit hard with high winds and about 11 fires.  Power outages, homes destroyed, never seen before.  Only 10% of the fires are contained.

Strong earthquake in Japan, shook buildings in Tokyo.

Last 24 hour earthquakes – 30 over 4.0, 5 over 5.0.

“Fly the Friendly Skies”

Delta Boeing flight out of Aruba bound for Atlanta forced to turn back and make an emergency landing after an engine blowout on the takeoff.

Child bank robbers dubbed “The Little Rascals” were nabbed in Texas.  3 boys age 11,12, and 16 arrested for robbing a Texas bank.  Tom says that’s young, pray for them.

Clown World:

ABC News – meet your new virtual assistant, AI in your car.  Mercedes says its virtual assistant transforms “car-driver relationship”.  Tom says, driver relationship with your car?  Article says some vehicles  can independently change lanes and maneuver in traffic.  Now some automakers making so it  watches daily routines and make conversation on those lonely and tiresome drives home.  Tom jokes and says, do you want to talk to your car?!  They also say, maybe it could call into work when you are running late, offer restaurant recommendations, listen to you vent about life and offer reassurances.  Tom says no thanks, I’ll just have water and Jesus.  Talk to Jesus in my car.

Testimonies and comments – 

Said he was a lost sheep, a sinner.  Knowing God but not loving Him.  At 62 years old he was asked to resign from a job of 9 years.  Found another position that had a co-worker from long ago.  He told him of the rapture and that I needed to know the Lord.  From that point on my faith was restored he said.  Asked God for forgiveness from my sins, praying, going to church and reading Scriptures and watching  Tom.

April 2012 he was 12 years old and was laying in bed and prayed for God to save him with tears. Then he felt  the weight of the world was off him and felt like Jesus himself hugged him and felt like he was floating for a few seconds. In 2019 he was in the army as a tank mechanic.  On his birthday in Germany he was helping to put up a sling that they used to pull out tank engines when the sling shifted weight weight and fell forward hitting him on the top of the head knocking him unconscious for a few minutes and crushing 2 fingers.  He fell backwards off the recovery vehicle 10 foot on to the gravel.  Spent a week in a German hospital but every day he thanks God for watching over him and healing him.

He comforts us and is there for us when no one else is.  He is preparing a place to take us to be with Him.

Asks for prayers for those in Canada.  They are going through so much with their government.   Tom says he  sees so many comments from those in Canada.

Said his step-father was dying and on his death bed and he was crying and telling him to go to Jesus.  His 5 year old daughter came over and grabbed his hand and looked up at him and told him, grandpa is ok, he is with Jesus now. Said last night he came to my room and said he was ok and was going to be with Jesus now. God uses our little ones to comfort us.

Tom says  he knows what he said about America can really bother people, but we can see it as we are in the last days. We are waiting for Jesus to come back and rapture the people who belong to Him.  Then is the 7 year tribulation.  May be a gap but it is coming.  Don’t be left here.  It describes this in Revelation.  If reject will go to hell because sins not forgiven, maybe have  pride.  Turn to Jesus today.

Tells of how Jesus came from heaven to save people from their sins.  Perfect, did miracles, healing, fulfilled the law perfectly. The   Lamb of God shed His blood for sins, took our place.  

Died, buried, rose the 3rd day.  Believe, tell Him you believe and receive His forgiveness and be saved, born again, rapture ready, new creation in Christ Jesus.  Be saved today.

Today’s Scriptures:

John 10:27-29 KJV

[27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: [28] and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. [29] My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. 

Romans 8:38-39 KJV

[38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Philippians 1:6 KJV

[6] being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: 

2 Corinthians 1:22 KJV

[22] who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

Isaiah 40:26 KJV

[26] Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

Psalm 23:6 KJV

[6] Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Ephesians 1:13 KJV

[13] In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 

John 6:37 KJV

[37] All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.