Going After The Temple Mount?

Going After The Temple Mount?

Going After The Temple Mount?

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
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NOTES: Tom suggests milk and 5 alarm Chili and hang out with an old friend and a fellow servant of the Lord. Tom asks a pause so we can get our Bibles and read Psalm 84 together. It says, as they pass through the valley of weeping.  The Lord doesn’t leave us in our valleys. We can feel He is with us in a valley. 

News: Hamas firing rockets this week that at one point would have reached the Dome of the Rock. It was intercepted. Israel’s ambassador to the US had a speech. Tom plays the video on his phone for us to listen and watch. He said this:

Today Hamas proves that murdering Israelis is more important than preserving the Islamic holy site they claim to protect. He shows a video to the camera ( Tom says a video to a video to a video!). In it we can hear and see the rockets. Then he says hours ago Hamas rocket was fired towards the vicinity of the Temple Mount. Israel Iron Dome intercepted the missile and defended Al Aqsa  from Hamas. Think about this. Israel is defending Al Aqsa Mosque from Hamas missiles. To the Arab League, to the organization of Islamic cooperation. I ask, this is who you have chosen to defend a group of genocidal terrorists that prefer Jihad at any cost over Islamic holy sites just as ISIS destroyed Mosques. Hamas ISIS is willing to blowup Al Aqsa. So many of you are willing to defend them. Unbelievable. 

Tom says yes unbelievable. Tom says many in the comments have said since Oct 7 that is going to happen. They are going to blow up Al Aqsa Mosque and make way for the 3rd Temple. Tom says we can hardly imagine what we are about to see. Tom says do you realize we are in the very last days? Hamas firing rockets that could blow up that Mosque. Says, do you understand what would happen to the Muslims world if that happened? How the Middle East would blow up? Very very possible. Hamas may be trying to blow it up and getting a little impatient because Iran proxies aren’t joining in together fast enough. They would blame it on Israel. And Israel had to use the Iron Dome to take the rockets out of the sky. Tom says that mosque will be replaced by the 3rd Temple. When will it be rebuilt? The Bible doesn’t say, but it will. 

Times of Israel: 3 suspicious figures were seen exiting a building yesterday, one with a white flag. Israeli soldier believed it was an attempt by Hamas to lure IDF soldiers in a trap, The soldier opened fire and yelled, terrorist, and the other soldiers killed all 3.They didn’t realize they were Israeli hostages escaping from Hamas. Tom says, so tragic, pray. 

All Israel News: Hamas fires rockets at Jerusalem for the  first time since Oct 30 while Hezbollah escalates in the north during the last 24 hours.

Israel shooting bombs to S. Lebanon this morning. Tom says hard to watch every day. So close to Jesus taking us Home. 

Amir: Hezbollah suicide drone attacked Israel forces. 2 Israeli casulaties. Israel striking S. Lebanon. The most violent morning in the Lebanon border since the start of this 70 day war. Says major war with Hezbollah probably a matter of days. 

Hamas spokesman said we call on all our people to rise up, revolt and set planet earth on fire in response to the enemies plan. 

Israel Today: Mossad chief going to Qatar to talk about new hostage release plan. One suggestion is allowing top Hamas leadership in Gaza to evacuate to a 3rd country in exchange for releasing remaining Israeli captives. Unclear what country would want to host these monsters. No guarantee Israel would still target them for assassination. Netanyahu promised they would all get killed. 

Amir: CNN report said Hamas has rejected the calls of mediators regarding hostage release deal until after comprehensive ceasefire. Amir says he doesn’t believe they have enough hostages that are alive. Amir says 25 Hamas terrorists were killed and 50 surrendered while hiding in UN school in N. Gaza. 

Insider Paper: Yemen Houthi rebels in Red sea still firing on commercial ships that are trying to deliver goods as part of pressure to Israel over its war with Hamas.  The world’s second largest shipping company said they are going to stop transporting container ships on the Red see due to threats. Tom says this will affect delivery of goods to that area even into Europe. Wonder why not a heavier response, not even by US. Says its like a ticking time bomb. Not long for this world, the rapture. 

Last 24 hours earthquakes: 42 over 4. 0 and 8 over 5.0 

Clown world: Tom likes to play a clown world noise with these. Most like it, some don’t. One said her dog goes nut so Tom warns, remove fluffy!

Bill Gates calls for cows to be modified to fight climate change. Trying to play God again. By reducing methane emission. 

Tom wonders, maybe he can turn the cows into chickens!  How many chicken nuggets could we get from the size of a cow!  Could  that could solve global hunger? clown noise- ha, ha, ha, ha ! 

Another: Ai gives birth to Ai. Scientists say machine intelligence is now capable of replication without humans. Tom says Ai is getting smarter. In the end days.


Says excited to hear the trumpet of Jesus calling us Home. This world more evil every day, getting so close. Hang on, continue to spread the love of God. Religion and my work never saved me. Jesus is the only one and He did. 

Says, ready to go. Our Lord is patient, not wanting any to perish. Tom says each week he hears more and more coming to the Lord. Maybe the final harvest.  Rapture is anytime. 

Says, getting tired. Praying to stay strong. Hearing other brothers and sisters feel the same brings comfort. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Tom says we are all waiting together. It’s what this channel is all about. Just hanging out, drinking coffee and waiting.

Says it feels like we are in a holding pattern. Waking up every day looking up. Attacks non stop, Weary too.

Keeps saying and thinking on verses. Couldn’t spend a day doing anything better than that.

Says pray for children of this generation. In Massachusetts there is schools with after school satan clubs. Pray for salvations. Tom says he knows of one where he lives. So many atrocities to children. Pray it back fires.

Says the spiritual warfare is increasing.  The enemy looks for low hanging fruit to shake the spiritually weak believers. Stand firm in Christ, May totter and sway but never fall. The battle isn’t ours but Gods. He’s already won, the Bride longs for Him. 

Gospel: We are fighting a battle that has already been won. We can now talk to the Father because of what Jesus did. Paid for all of our sins by His blood. Admit we are sinners, believe He died, was buried and rose again. Why would we not receive Him. But many don’t. People say the world has to get so bad before He comes. But it is as the days of Noah, when He comes. Believe, say thank You. The rapture is coming!

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 84:112 KJV

[1] How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts! [2] My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. [3] Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, Even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God. [4] Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: They will be still praising thee. Selah. [5] Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; In whose heart are the ways of them. [6] Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; The rain also filleth the pools. [7] They go from strength to strength, Every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. [8] O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer: Give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah. [9] Behold, O God our shield, And look upon the face of thine anointed. [10] For a day in thy courts Is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, Than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. [11] For the LORD God is a sun and shield: The LORD will give grace and glory: No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. [12] O LORD of hosts, Blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.

Timestamp: 0:47



On 2016 I denied God and Jesus in front of my friends and felt something leaving my body, after that I spent the next years using drugs, drinking a lot trying to fill that void and even went to Psychiatrist and got med prescribed. Fast forward and last year the meds were putting me so bad that I was thinking of ending my life and my childhood friend talked to me about God and I decided to follow again and immediately felt a change and this year I decided to accept Christ and even got Baptized and no more meds needed! Bless God!! Bless Jesus Christ from Nazareth!


I was in the navy, stuck on a navy base with no car and no way to get away from military life. I wanted to be a civilian for just one day. There was a van taking some to a local church. I got on the van and it took me to Bible Baptist church in Biloxi Mississippi and there I discovered Jesus and got saved. God bless all church van drivers.