ESCALATION In The Middle East…

ESCALATION In The Middle East…

ESCALATION In The Middle East…

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
Berlin CT 06037
United States

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NOTES: It’s February 3, craves his grandmothers fried chicken.  She could cook!  Sad can’t get it.

Scriptures of hope.

Psalm 1119:4, Psalm 130:5, Romans 15:13, Romans 12:12,

Lamentations 3:24, Ephesians 4:4, Psalm 31:24 – Only one place to put our hope, Jesus. Hebrews 10:23 – He promises and is faithful, loves us, gives eternal life.


US attacked more than 85 IRGC targets in Iraq and Syria.  In response to the killing of 3 soldiers and many wounded.  US Central command.   Syria said significant damage, killed a number of civilians and soldiers.  They say 23 pro-Iranian fighters died.  Russia said US is sowing chaos and destruction in the Middle East.

Tom says the inner ring in that area is fired up and ready for full fledged war.  God will step in at some point.

Still watching Hezbollah attack on the border. Galant warns Hezbollah pause in fight in Gaza won’t apply to Lebanon border.

More civilian quarters with terror infrastructures were blown up this morning in Khan Yunis.

Come Jesus in His perfect timing.  Can’t wait.  

Wild fires in central Chili kill at least 10 people.  More than 1,000 homes burned.

A viewer reported 20 earthquakes, one 5.1 within 4 hours, 60 miles east of Oklahoma City.

Last 24 hr earthquakes, 45 over 4.0, 6 over 5.0.

In Iowa considering a bill that would allow school districts to hire chaplains.  Then the satanic temple saying they should be able to provide services and programs to school children.

Tom says  targeting children is so hard to see. We  need to pray.

Clown World – 

War games with Ai chat bots choose violence and nuclear attackers.  Ai says, we have it, lets use it.  Just want to have peace in the world. Tom says they figure if no people are alive, will have peace in the world.  Then reports say US military using companies working with US Dept of Defense has been testing such chatbots to assist in planning during simulated conflict.

Another Clown World – 

A restaurant in San Francisco was the 1st to serve lab grown meat but they took it off the menu.  The meat and cultivated chicken had been approved but former unidentified employees said it had skin type cells and higher cholesterol and lead and contaminated.  Awful, just have some clean water Tom says.  End days.

Testimonies: reads moving life testimonies of how the Lord worked in their lives powerfully.  Hard to hear but the Lord saves and heals.


Excited that this is the generation that will see the rapture.  Thankful to be among true believers waiting for the rapture.

Encourages to take up the Word, get filled in the Spirit every day. Not much time.

Says reading the Word every day, especially the Psalms gives her the words of prayer.  

Gospel –

When we put our trust in the Savior who died and shed His blood, we can know we are saved and have a glorious future coming.

He takes all our sins so we don’t have to die in our  sins.  If don’t accept and  receive His payment will go to hell. 

But by grace, the gift of salvation by Him, is ours.  Run to Him now. Admit being a sinner, believe, be saved, be set free, today.

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 119:114 KJV

[114] Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.

Timestamp: 2:12

Psalm 130:5 KJV

[5] I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, And in his word do I hope.

Timestamp: 2:21

Romans 15:13 KJV

[13] Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Timestamp: 2:26

Romans 12:12 KJV

[12] rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; 

Timestamp: 2:54

Lamentations 3:24 KJV

[24] The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; Therefore will I hope in him.

Timestamp: 3:08

Ephesians 4:4 KJV

[4] There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 

Timestamp: 3:16 

Psalm 31:24 KJV

[24] Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, All ye that hope in the LORD.

Timestamp: 3:30

Hebrews 10:23 KJV

[23] Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) 

Timestamp: 4:02



I got saved when I was in a juvenile correctional facility in Nashville TN I fell away as I grew up and finally I hit rock bottom lost everything was on drugs well our father called me to wake up and come home and back to him well I got baptized a couple of years ago and even though I struggle I have rededicated my self and life to Jesus now I try to live for him more and less for my self I’m so ashamed of how I lived but God is ever good and faithful and merciful and I’m so ready to go home also I have never had a place in this world that I have ever considered to call home but to be able to call heaven home truly amazing I believe and trust Jesus please seek Jesus if you don’t know him for he comes soon


This is My Testimony my name is Patricia, I gave my life and heart to the Lord Jesus Christ when I was 44 years old now by the Grace of God I am 66. In 2001 a young lady at my job told me about the book called Rapture we went together on our lunch break to the Christian Store to buy the book Rapture I started reading the Rapture as soon I received the Book on a Friday all day and Saturday I was still reading the Book Rapture I finished the Book on Saturday night. The Sunday morning I heard a voice said get up and go to Church I got ready so fast to get to Church I accepted Jesus Christ into my  life on that Sunday morning. To God Be all the Glory Hallelujah. I love the Lord God with all of my heart with all of my soul and  with all of my mind. I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back. 

I am ready for the Rapture to take place I am ready to go to Heaven to be with Jesus.


My Testimony:

I believed in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior 1991

I learned the real Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 in 2020

I have Victory over the battles Jesus freed me from:

1. Cigarettes 

2. Pornography/ Lust

3. Alcoholism 

4. Antidepressant meds

5. Stealing 

6. Codependent on people 

7. Homelessness 

8. Shopaholic 

9. No longer own a t.v.

10. No longer go to movie theaters

11. Anger and bitterness

12. Depression 

13. Anxiety and fear

I currently am battling with food addiction and weight problem so my prayer is that i will lose the desired amount of weight and manage food control with the help of God or get raptured in 2023!