Doing WHAT To The Temple Mount??

Doing WHAT To The Temple Mount??

Doing WHAT To The Temple Mount??

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NOTES: Tom is craving tomato soup and grilled cheese, his favorite!  And his wife already mentioned it for supper.  So that sounds good to him, have that too if you want! 

Scriptures:  Good ones when  feeling lonely.  Hebrews 11:5.  He never leaves or forsakes us.  He is always with us.  Matthew 28:20.  We all experience loneliness, turn to Jesus. We are  waiting for the rapture because we want to be with Jesus. I Samuel 12:22, Isaiah 41:10.  He upholds us with his righteous hand.  John 14:18, John 14:1, Deuteronomy 33:27, underneath are the everlasting arms.  Psalm 147:3.


Times of Israel:  Ben Gvir is pushing to ban Palestinians from the  Temple Mount during Ramadan which begins around March 10.  As minister in charge of police Gvir does have some authority over the policy of Temple Mount, but Netanyahu overruled him in the past.  Israel typically allows Palestinians from the West Bank to visit the Temple Mount during Ramadan.  Ben Gvir is even at odds with the police regarding this.  Police say its OK for Palestinians above the age of 60 allowed to pray at the Temple Mount.  Gvir visits the Temple Mount himself and is pushing to ban Arab-Israeli citizens below age of 70 from visiting there.  Police support allowing Arab-Israelis above age of 45.   Netanyahu plans to meet with Gvir and war cabinet tomorrow.

Tom  says what will happen during the month of Ramadan?  Watching the last days.  Shocked we are still here.

Jerusalem Post:  Gantz warns Israel war with Hamas could continue during Ramadan.   Gantz said they will not stop until hostages are returned.  Says if hostages are not returned, they will expand the war into Rafah.  Working with partners including Egypt.

Israel National News:  IDF continues training for war in the north.  Tom  says will we be raptured before then?

Jerusalem Post:  Galant said more than 30 UNRWA employees actively participated in October  7 murder spree and kidnapping of civilians and soldiers. Data to show 12% of UNRWA employees are connected to terrorist organizations in Gaza, 1,468 of the employees  active in them.   Tom says a spiritual battle of hatred for that country.  

Amir said the tanker the Houthis claim to have damaged was carrying oil from Russia to India.  Russia supports India.

Insider Paper:  Russia invites Hamas and other Palestinians factions as Syria and Lebanon for talks from February  29.  Tom says it is  interesting as the Bible tells of Russia, Iran and Syria in Ezekiel 38 war after the rapture. Also  Moscow has grown increasingly critical of Israel and Western backers.  

Tedros of WHO says the next pandemic a matter of when, not if.  At the world summit in Dubai he described humanity as unprepared for disease X and the next pandemic. 

Tom says don’t worry about it, Jesus isn’t worried. Tom  thinks we probably will be gone.  Interesting all the X’s.  What used to be  twitter is X,  disease X,   April 8  Great American eclipse.  The first part of the eclipse was 7 years ago. 7 years later the next part which forms an X over the US April 8 this year.  It’s a sign of  warning. Tom  reads the town names it passes over.  Jonah Texas, Ninevah Texas, Rapture Indiana, Nineveh Indiana, Nineveh Ohio, Nineveh Pennsylvania, Nineveh New York, Nineveh Nova Scotia.  In the middle of the X where the 2 lines meet, is close to the ark encounter  in WIlliamston, Kentucky.  40 days after the eclipse it will be May 18, the eve of Pentecost.  40 days is an important number.  Last days.

Harbinger Daily by Jack Hibbs, gives link.   Wars and rumors of wars.  The world is falling apart, get up and give the Gospel.  Said right now China, Taiwan, North Korea, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, US, UK, Sweden among other nations are all posturing for war or at war. Jesus said in the last days a time of wars and rumors of wars, Matthew 24:6.  Always been wars and rumors of wars but in the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24 it talks of escalation and frequency of these things while all these other things are taking place.   What should we do?  Pull sheets over our heads and turn off the news and stay in?  Can’t live like that, in fear.  2 Timothy 1:7 told not to be in a spirit of fear.  We must engage with others around us with the Gospel.  John 3:16, we are commanded to be salt and light.  Be involved in everything for the cause of Christ no matter what it is.  Law enforcement field, chef in a restaurant, football field, or office at home, be there for Jesus.  

Tom say Jack Hibbs prayed in front of Congress, opened a session with prayer.  His prayer spot on Jesus, perfect prayer.  He is getting criticized.  They are upset with the speaker of the house for letting Jack Hibbs pray.  Tom  says so good to hear Jesus spoken there, rare.

Past 24 hour earthquakes, 38 over 4.0, 3 over 5.0.

Clown World: Open Ai can generate videos from text called Sora.  Tom says tell Chat GPT what to put on the video and it makes a video.  Tom says think about what they could do on election year.  Can be pretty convincing.  Just clown world.

Another clown world:  Lab grown everything.  Now lab grown milk.  Free of lactose, cholesterol, approved in Canada.  Takes the cow out of the milk it says!  Tom says he’s not a milk guy – has had almond milk, etc. but doesn’t want lab grown milk!  I’ll take water!

Testimonies :

Was a prodigal and realized Jesus never left him.  Once we belong to Him, always do.  

Through hardships the Lord got her attention and removed the blinders from her eyes and gave her the greatest gift, eternal salvation.  Choose Jesus, the rapture is coming.


Felt he was told that he was an oppressed victim.  But says he has freedom in Christ and wisdom through Christ.  Says I’m seated in glory as a co-heir because of that beautiful blood He shed for my sins.  Does not receive what Satan gives out.  In the fight with my fellow servants and rapture ready.

Says was rebellious and yet Jesus saved him.  A broken sinful creature.  So thankful, says knows he’s a work in progress.  Prays He calls us home soon.  Please come Lord Jesus.

Feels its not the last days but the last seconds of age of grace and the return of Yeshua is imminent.  No matter what I am doing physically during the day his spiritual arms are lifted 24/7 and waiting for my Lord’s call to call us to come Home.  

Testimony of a miraculous healing of her infant with a lot of prayer and song.


Tom says he has experienced a lot.  Sinful life,  has had dinner with celebrities, met famous people.  Lived in a huge house, had times with a lot of money.  But knows now, it was all worthless.  He knew back then,  no lasting joy.  When we belong to Jesus we have everything we need.  He has given us everything by giving Himself.  But we need to take His payment to be saved, born again, for eternity.

If you turn away from that will go to hell without Jesus. 

Pleads, be saved today.

Today’s Scriptures:

Hebrews 13:5 KJV

[5] Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. 

Timestamp: 1:56

Matthew 28:20 KJV

[20] teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Timestamp: 2:16

1 Samuel 12:22 KJV

[22] For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people. 

Timestamp: 2:58

John 14:18 KJV

[18] I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. 

Timestamp: 3:32

John 14:1 KJV

[1] Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 

Timestamp: 3:41

Deuteronomy 33:27 KJV

[27] The eternal God is thy refuge, And underneath are the everlasting arms: And he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; And shall say, Destroy them.

Timestamp: 3:48

Psalm 147:3 KJV

[3] He healeth the broken in heart, And bindeth up their wounds.

Timestamp: 4:31

Matthew 24:6 KJV

[6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 


2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

[7] For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 

Timestamp: 19:43



I was a child brought up in  weekly Sunday School meetings. I loved Jesus. At 7years of age,

I knew I had to ask Him to be my savior and to let Him know I was His child. Attending a revival

One night and listening to the preacher, I thought, 

If I just knew it was true…. And a young man’s voice behind said “it’s true—it’s all true”

My father sat beside me — I knew it was his not his voice. I turned around in my seat to see who read 

My thoughts and knew my heart—the three little old ladies behind me were not the source of the words.  They frowned at me. 

I can only say decades later—asking 

Jesus to forgive me and be with me always—

It’s real. Jesus died for your sins.

It is true. It’s all true.  Trust Him. He is waiting for you.


I was saved in 1978 along with my precious wife. We both knew that He was calling us to Himself, it was greatest decision of our lives. Hal Lindsey’s book “The Late Great Planet Earth” played a big part in my walk with Him! And now it’s coming to pass… Big Time! Maranatha!