Did World War 3 Just Begin?

Did World War 3 Just Begin?

Did World War 3 Just Begin?

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
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NOTES: Tom says since he needed to change a little of how he did his videos because of the difficulty of not feeling well, it gave him a chance to slow down what he presents. To more relaxed, more he is comfortable with as he reports what is going on and says his thoughts on it. And to talk like we are sitting in the car with him and hang out together. Be more who God made him to be. And still say, Jesus is coming soon! 50 times!

Says he will stay as the captain of the ship, not going to give that up. God of course, is the ultimate captain! Tom says he isn’t going to do the usual introduction, done that plenty. And maybe not even the food suggestions and not on time limits. But, he says, a Greek salad would be good, with fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber,  olives, Greek dressing and feta cheese! 

Always reads Scripture, not worth anything unless we have that. And the Gospel. 

Reads Psalm 8 Our Lord how excellent is Thy name in all the earth!

Tom says some liked the book he showed yesterday that he found and went and got one. God’s promises for your every need, NKJV. Reads verses about discouragement. 

Philippians 4: 6-8 God gives peace. Psalm 138: 7, He saves us. John 14 Jesus receives us unto Himself. The rapture. John 14: 27, He gives us peace, do not be afraid. 


WW3?  January 11, 2024, the US and British war planes attacked Houthis targets in Yemen. Houthi gives threats back. Tom says people, especially in the US, don’t know anything about this.

Tom says Amir comments on how unusual it is that they are telling us what they will do and when. Used to be it was left not to tell, so could be a sneak, surprise attack. Like they give the time the fighter jets are on their way, at 5: 16 pm to strike Yemen. 

From Amir:  the Americans attacked 60 targets in 16 different sites, the British attacked at least 2 other sites. The US army’s central command announced that radar and anti- aircraft systems, launch target cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were attacked. In addition military depots and command and control centers were also attacked. Tom says we don’t know about the causalities. Pray. 

People are strongly condemning the attacks. Gives the responses. 

China,  does not condemn but calls for all sides to prevent Yemen from expanding the conflict. The foreign minster said China is concerned about escalation in the Red Sea and tell all to keep calm and exercise restraint to prevent the conflict from expanding. 

Hamas says UK and US strikes on Yemen will have repercussions. Tom says, like we listen to them, no. 

Russia condemns what he calls illegitimate US, UK strikes in Yemen. Says from a point of international law. Tom asks, what has Russia  been doing since 2022?

Hezbollah in Lebanon condemns it. They say American aggression confirms that the US is a full partner in the tragedies and massacres committee by the Zionist enemy in the Gaza region.

Erdogan said they are trying to turn the Red Sea into a sea of blood. 

Insider Paper said Houthis will continue targeting Israel linked ships in the Red Sea.

Tom says this year is beginning with a bang, looks like WW3. Asks, is God about to step in, the rapture! 

The International court of justice Hague, Netherlands. Call it the kangaroo court, of Israel genocide court.

S. Africa accusing Israel of genocide. Yet S. Africa is where they are killing the farmers. 

Israel tells UN top court genocide case is profoundly distorted and did not reflect the realities of the war in Gaza. 

Amir says the discussion is over. The court will decide in the coming days what to do. They will come against Israel. Amir reminds what happened to Israel is Gaza. 

Amir says China is watching America’s behavior in the Middle East and it wants to make a move on Taiwan before the next election in November. Tom says he doesn’t think we will be here then.

Volcano erupted again in Indonesia with massive lava flow and flooding there. Huge hail in Argentina. Flooding in Maine, New Jersey. Tom says can’t keep up, it is all over.

Last 24 hours, 50 earthquakes over 4.0, and 7 over 5.0.

Next week is WEF meeting in Davos Switzerland. Says they discuss and prepare for disease X.  Say it could be 20 times more deadly than covid. Tom says we just trust Jesus.

Clown World: On Bill Gates podcast with Sam Altman, Sam Altman says it is potentially a little scary how quickly society will have to adapt to the Ai revolution. Says Ai will spark the fastest technology revolution in human history and we may not be prepared at how quickly we will all have to adapt. Tom says he thinks we have seen all we are going to see. And have an appointment with the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are just going to be with Jesus. 

Testimonies: says was not a believer and was led to salvation when a teacher in her class wore a Fellowship of Christian Athletes t shirt. She saw how he reflected the Lord and it made an impact on her. She became saved. Says has been walking with the Lord for 50 years and it all began with kind words spoken and words on a t shirt. 

Says when Tom read Psalm 107 yesterday it brought back her story.  She was told she was worthless and felt worthless. God led her to a place where she was given an inductive study Bible and a guide on how to deeply study God’s Word from a Sunday school teacher. Said she fell in love with her Savior and His Word. He did what He said. Psalm 107: 20, He sent forth His Words and healed them and delivered them from their destructions. She said He healed my broken heart and says now she can minister to others.

Tom says with the Lyme and pain he haas more empathy. Says he could choose to be angry and whine and upset and ruin his life or say Jesus allowed it. He could heal me but says maybe a purpose in this as he is doing these videos. And likely would not have otherwise. 

Comments that January 11,  2024 like a day of judgement. Israel stands in judgment at Hague. 

Says all the promises to Israel is from God and He fulfills them all and shows He will for us also. Toms says replacement theology is where they say that the Church has replaced Israel. It has not and is a damaging, false teaching. 

Comments that the ones that say not praying for these enemies is like what Jonah said to God about Nivenah and they were brutal. Jonah didn’t want God to forgive them. It says in Jonah that those born in such an evil time did not know their right hand from their left. Tom says no room for hatred or for us to decide who to pray or not pray for. We are not God. God takes care of it. We pray for salvations. The leader of Hamas son recently came to Jesus. Tom says we can’t throw away people. All our hearts are wicked, but God.


Jesus came 2,000 years ago as a suffering servant to take the payment for our sins. Jesus the only way to heaven. Perfect sacrifice, shed blood to remove our sins. Because He loves us. When we believe in the power of His blood we are saved, born again with the Holy Spirit and have eternal life with Jesus. 

Warns if reject the payment of sin, sins still remain and will go to hell separated from God. 

John 3: 16. This is the only thing that matters. Be saved, the rapture could be today.

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 8:19 KJV

[1] O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens. [2] Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, That thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. [3] When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, The moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; [4] What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? [5] For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, And hast crowned him with glory and honour. [6] Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet: [7] All sheep and oxen, Yea, and the beasts of the field; [8] The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, And whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. [9] O LORD our Lord, How excellent is thy name in all the earth!

Timestamp: 4:30

Philippians 4:68 KJV

[6] Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. [7] And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. [8] Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 

Timestamp: 6:08

Psalm 138:7 KJV

[7] Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.

Timestamp: 6:44

John 14:1 KJV

[1] Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 

Timestamp: 7:03

John 14:27 KJV

[27] Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 

Timestamp: 7:16

Psalm 107:20 KJV

[20] He sent his word, and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.

Timestamp: 26:04



I was going through a very hard time. One night I was praying for help. I was stopped dead by a man’s voice interrupting my prayers… I live alone. No close neighbor. TV off.  I didn’t hear it with my ears but with my mind. The voice said..”I’m proud of you”.


I was saved when I was 10 but fell hard 2 years ago!! I left my husband of 23 years for my best friend.. after living with her for 6 months and committing literally every single sin possible, Jesus picked me up out of that wretched, sinful life and put me back with my incredible husband!! I repented and rededicated myself to My precious Jesus 6 months ago and haven’t looked back!! I CANNOT wait for His glorious appearing!!


Testimony: I was seeing someone who claimed rebirth. He dropped me saying he was going back to his wife. I was an unknowing other woman. I learned my best friend was born again. I followed her to church and my second Sunday there stood for an alter call and prayed.  When i went back to work, people noticed i had changed asking me what had happened.  I know i am born again, praise God.

@margspeaks3263 – read on my show

I always believed in God but was never saved. A few years ago ( at 60 ) I had always flipped past the Christian channels on TV, started to slow down & watch a little, then began to look forward to the preaching. One night I physically felt a pull on my heart & was saved. Thank you Jesus for pulling me out of darkness & into your glorious light. All Glory to God