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October 17, 2024 – Watchman River Tom – Breaking News: Sinwar is Dead…

Today Tom will talk about the news of Sinwar being killed and what it may mean  in the world for Bible prophecy and the coming of Jesus. Sinwar was the leader of Hamas, he orchestrated the October 7 massacre.

Tom reads Scriptures on salvation: 

Acts 4:12, there is no salvation under any other name given among men by which we may be saved. 16: 31, believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household. 

1 Timothy 1: 9, He called us not according to our works but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began. 


Sinwar has been killed. It is reported that 3 terrorists were killed in Gaza. It was said Sinwar wasn’t even targeted. One IDF soldier fired at 3 terrorists with a mortar shell and then it looked like one was Sinwar. No hostages in the area. As more information came out the DNA showed a 99% match to identify Sinwar. 

Amir said it is like a miracle from God. 

Arab news began with  farewell words for Hamas leader. Says no doubt it is a severe moral blow for Hamas terrorists to see the great leader’s body lying among ruins.

More news: 

Amir said rockets from Lebanon to Israel, UAV from the Mediterranean, UAV from S. America, air strikes to weapons depot in Yemen, Israel strikes in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. Amir says its a full blown war here.

Tom says so much going on just before this election. Tom says he has had a strange feeling about this election, that the election will not happen. Says feels like we are on the verge of WW3. Many are saying that. The Bible says when these things begin to happen, look up, our redemption draws near, the rapture. Says time is running out, know Jesus and be saved. 

IDF strikes command post in N. Gaza, formerly a school and Palestinians say children died. This is unverified. This was a command and control center for terror organizations. IDF reports there were 12 terrorists there that were involved in launching rockets at Israel and attacks on troops. 

Reports say US long range stealth bombers hit Houthis underground weapons depot in a warning to Iran. Austin says this shows the ability to target enemies facilities that are seemingly out of reach. 

Bubba says US military carried out significant air strikes against Houthis in Yemen with several weapons facilities being destroyed. Bubba comments as these bombers were successful here perhaps Israel could use against Iran to take out their deep nuclear sites. Used as a show of force and deterrence especially in this time of crises and conflict in the Middle East with Iran. Houthis threaten  to respond. 

Yesterday reported over 90 projectiles fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon to Israel.

Yesterday Israel struck Syria’s Mediterranean port city resulting in fires there. Tom says likely weapons. Syria is where most weapons are brought into. Tom says we keep watching for Isaiah 17:1 where Damascus is destroyed, likely a nuclear strike as it says it becomes inhabitable.

Russian FM warned Israel against  attack on Iran’s  nuclear facilities.

They are saying the regional war in the Middle East could cause oil prices to soar to 400 dollars a barrel. Said it would destroy the global economy and cause famine around the world. Tom says that sounds like the 7 year tribulation. 

Bubba says Iran is solidifying alliances with other countries against Israel. Iran’s FM has been on a regional tour since last week to create Iran’s ties with all Gulf coast and regional players. The goal of ensuring Israel isolation against the fight with Iran. Iran has recently met with Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Lebanon, Syria, and Russia. Met today with Egypt and next is Turkey. Iran trying to put together a military alliance of regional and global fighters against Israel. Iran is very open about how it is seeking to mobilize regional countries against Israel. All coming together. 

Earthquake activity increased.. Last 24 hours, 67 over 4.0 and 21 over 5.0.


Tom says its all coming together. What is separating the time from when Jesus will rule and reign in Jerusalem and  the 7 year tribulation is the rapture. Tom still has the feeing when October 7 war began it would lead to the Daniel 9: 27 7 year covenant with the antichrist. Says he sees it now more than ever. To him this looks to be the final explosion in the Middle East before the rapture. 

Jesus told us when these things begin to happen look up, our redemption draws near. We are on the verge of the 7 year tribulation and we have to be raptured first.

Tom warns  be ready to be with Jesus to be taken with  Him at the time of the rapture, be saved.

We need a Savior from our sins and Jesus came to earth to rescue us.  Required was a perfect sacrifice, without sin or blemish. Jesus, fully God and fully man, without sin. Took all sins upon Him on the cross. Died, shed His blood, was buried, and rose the third day and is coming again. Nothing we do or can do, He did it all, a free gift.

To receive must believe in faith and will have all sins forgiven, past, present and future. Will be saved, born again, receive Holy Spirit, changed and ready to go to heaven when Jesus comes in the clouds to take us to heaven before the 7 year tribulation on the earth.

Be saved today, forever with Jesus and the family of God forever.

Today’s Scriptures:

Acts 4:12 NKJV

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Acts 16:31 NKJV

So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

2 Timothy 1:9 NKJV

Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.

Psalm 62:1 NKJV

Truly my soul silently waits for God;

From Him comes my salvation.

Acts 2:21 NKJV

And it shall come to pass

That whoever calls on the name of the Lord

Shall be saved.

Romans 10:10 NKJV

For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.