Are They Talking About Peace and Security AGAIN?

Are They Talking About Peace and Security AGAIN?

Are They Talking About Peace and Security AGAIN?

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
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NOTES: Tom suggests sparkling water and cheese ravioli and hang out with an old friend and a fellow servant of the Lord. 

Tom reads Psalm 103: 1-12. The Lord removes our sins as far as the East is from the West. He forgives and also forgets. 

Reads Micah 7: 19 He casts all our sins to the depth of the sea. Tom says even with our technology, they know how deep it is, but just can’t get down there. 

Tom says they are talking about peace and security again. Tom says when we hear that, it could it be the sudden destruction and He comes for us in the rapture.  It could be. Paul said he didn’t have to write us bout the times and the seasons, that we will know when we are in them. We know we are. We are the last generation. Tom says don’t let anyone rob you of that blessed hope. The King of kings and Lord of lords put on human flesh to come here and die for our sins. Promised to come back to rescue us unto Himself.  He is coming to get us to a place prepared for us!


A Hamas leader is in Cairo for talks for a truce with Israel. Ceasefire aimed at more prisoner hostage exchanges and increased humanitarian aid for devastated Gaza they say. Tom says yet when the aid comes Hamas is on 18 wheelers with guns and takes it. It does not get to the people. They are saying maybe a 2-3 week ceasefire. All the pressure is on Israel to wrap it up. 

Israel Today: The curious case of Biden Administration and Hamas. Says US administration is doing its best to sabotage Israel’s efforts to defend itself against terrorism. Says Iran and the proxies must be pleased with the administration’s new restrictions especially with the pressure on Israel to end this war in the coming weeks. Says Israel edges closer to a full scale war with Hezbollah. IDF spokesman says Hezbollah has fired more than a thousand different types of ammunition. Rockets, missiles, drones, mortar, towards Israel since October 7 war.

Times of Israel: IDF says it hit Hezbollah sites in S. Lebanon in a rare preemptive strike.

Amir: says so far 1,500 shafts and tunnels have been destroyed in Gaza. Tom says, all this in this little strip of land to attack Israel.

Israel Today: Israel strikes at Egypt, Gaza border. 

Amir: says N. Korea, China, Russia and Iran, and the enemy within, 2024 will be the most challenging year for the US. Asks, will the November elections even take place? Tom says, no way, going Home soon.

Israel Today: says this is James Bond villain level. YNet military correspondent says in one of Hamas leader Sinwar’s homes Israeli soldiers found 40 security cameras, mirror windows for concealment and odd tiles on the kitchen floor. When one of the soldiers pressed a button the floor opened to a tunnel leading to an elevator that went deep underground to a Hamas command and control bunker. Tom says, James Bond, or outdoes anything of Jonny Quest!

Insider Paper: Malaysia bans Israel ships to dock at its port in response to the war in Gaza. 

Near Cape Town S. Africa hundreds battle a wildfire threatening a very large naval base there. Tom says, so many bad wildfires this year. 

Earthquakes last 24 hours: 41 over 4.0, 4 over 5.0. 6.1 earthquake in S. Peru.

Fox Business: US economists predict 2024 will bring the biggest crash of our lives. Says since 2009 this has been 100% artificial unprecedented money printing and deficits. 27 trillion dollars over 15 years. Says we are in a dangerous state and thinks 2024 will be the biggest single crash we will see in our lifetime. Tom says, shadows of the tribulation in every way. Tom doesn’t see a crash here before the rapture. Says the rapture the greatest disruption of all times. Perhaps this crash will be because of the rapture. Says, get to know Jesus.

Insider Paper: US bans pharmacy Rite Aid from facial recognition. They had been using it without anyone knowing it. Says the company falsely recognized consumers as shoplifting using the technology. Tom says they are almost bankrupt anyway, stores closing.

Clown world: Amazon selling creepy hidden spy cameras disguised as dull home accessory. Recording devices built into closet hooks. Tom says creepy closet hooks to spy on people in their homes.

Another clown world: Bill Gates synthetic milk is found to contain 99 carcinogenic compounds. Uses a fake whey protein from genetic modified microflora. Being sold across America grocery stores. Tom says they will likely keep selling it and not do anything about it. Says, I’ll just have water. 

Comments: says so thankful for this River Family. Says God is leading him to lead people to Jesus and Jesus to people. Thankful for brothers and sisters that are excited for Jesus to come, beyond ready, looking up everyday.

Says can’t wait for the day we get to spend eternity with Him.

Says keep unbelievers in prayer that are asking questions about Jesus and end times and the Bible. People are searching. Tom says yes. And seems more since October 7. 

Says looks forward to the rapture and not just because the world is so dark. Says can count her immediate family on 2 hands now, including aunts and uncles. Says the rest of her family is in heaven waiting for her to join them there. Her one son went to be with the Lord in 2001 and one in 2007. Says can’t wait to hug them, never to be parted again. Tom says yes, will see them soon.


The question is, do you know Jesus, who He is? The most serious question of our lives, must choose. Eternal choice. One day will be face to face with Jesus. The only way to heaven. Jesus died, buried and rose again and seen by over 500 people. Warns if don’t choose Him, will be in hell. Challenges to check it out, ask Him, read in the Bible. He loves us. Died a horrible death, shed His blood to remove every sin. Because of His grace and mercy, be saved, have it settled. Today, because may never have the opportunity again.

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 103:112 KJV

[1] Bless the LORD, O my soul: And all that is within me, bless his holy name. [2] Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all his benefits: [3] Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases; [4] Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; [5] Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; So that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s. [6] The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment For all that are oppressed. [7] He made known his ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel. [8] The LORD is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. [9] He will not always chide: Neither will he keep his anger for ever. [10] He hath not dealt with us after our sins; Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. [11] For as the heaven is high above the earth, So great is his mercy toward them that fear him. [12] As far as the east is from the west, So far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

Timestamp: 1:05

Micah 7:19 KJV

[19] He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. 

Timestamp: 2:52



When I was 15 years old. My mother passed away in the month of June. I was devastated. At my mother’s funeral a relative told us four kids they didn’t want us. The rejection I felt that day. Across my back lane was a family whose two girls I played with. September long weekend. They took me to church with them and I remembered that day so vividly. The pastor talked about heaven that Sunday and about Jesus. I accepted Jesus that day  and my life was forever changed. The family fed me and even bought me a winter coat. When I got married, the dad walked me down. The mom made my velvet cape and muff for me. Through those hard years, the Lord always put people in my life to help me and be there for me and show me love and acceptance. Which I craved for. I know Jesus deeply loves me. And I love him so deeply and can’t wait kneel before him and worship him. My heart aches to be with him. I know he’s coming is anytime now. I just worship him for who he is and all he did for me. Thank you Tom for being here every day for us. I listen to you every morning with my coffee. God bless you!


I was saved at 6 years old but was a lukewarm Christian in my 20s & 30s. When I was 39, my teenage son became prodigal. The Lord used that storm in my life to wake me up and then he brought my prodigal home. Praying for all the prodigals and those who love and intercede for them. Maranatha my dear brothers & sisters in Christ! We are almost home.