ANY HOUR NOW: Middle East Explosion

ANY HOUR NOW: Middle East Explosion

ANY HOUR NOW: Middle East Explosion

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July 29, 2024 – Watchman River Tom – Any hour now, Middle East explosion!

Reads Psalm 23, comfort we need, especially now. When we belong to the Lord we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

Tom says he spent so many hours going through all the news and having to sift it out. Going to give a timeline on what has been happening in Israel.

On Saturday over 60 rockets from Hezbollah were fired toward upper Galilee.

Then Saturday 12 children and teens were killed and many injured playing soccer in a park from a rocket fired by Iran backed Lebanese terror organization. These attacked were of the Druze origin. They are a shoot off of Islam. There are more than 150,000 in Israel and about one million in the world. Israel calls it the deadliest attack on Israeli citizens since October 7. The pictures are terrible, heartbreaking. 

Because of the seriousness of this Netanyahu flew back early from the US. The cabinet is meeting and said they authorized Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant to make decisions regarding Israel’s response. The Knesset is calling for opening of bomb shelters through N. Israel. Israel vows a heavy blow and politicians call for all out war. 

It is reported Israel has publicly identified the Hezbollah commander that directed the strike. 

There are many comments of how this may all go. So far the border has been quiet but the areas are preparing for possible all out war. Hezbollah has been on high alert, evacuated some of its major bases. It is reported Hezbollah has started moving precision guided missiles. Hezbollah says if war breaks out they will fight without limits.

Citizens with foreign passports are fleeing Lebanon, the Beirut airport is flooded. Reported UK is moving ships used for evacuating people to the Lebanon coast. The West urging Israel to delay its response so they can evacuate its citizens. The countries that are calling to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon are Canada, Germany, Holland, Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Kuwait. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UK, US, France and Belgium. 

Syria is also evacuating its military bases thinking strikes may come there also. 

It is said the skies above S. Lebanon and N. Israel are empty of civilian aircraft. It may show strikes are coming. 

The US is trying to prevent a harsh response. It has been reported the Middle East envoy of Biden Administration are apparently leaking intel of Israel to its  enemies warning Lebanon of Israel’s retaliation plans before attack. Previous Sr. major Lebanese official told BBC.

Lebanese Foreign Minister reported Biden Administration asked the Lebanon government to reign in Hezbollah. But it is too late it is said, as it has gotten out of hand as it was ignored for so long. 

It could be anything from a limited strike to all out war. A dangerous situation.

Erdogan of Turkey threatened to invade Israel. The Dutch leader said Turkey should be expelled from Nato and said Erdogan is totally nuts. 

On the Olympics. 

There was large, positive response from Christians speaking out against  the wicked ceremonies. French Christians turned out by the thousands standing up against mocking their religion singing praises to Jesus! 

And a 16 year old Brazilian olympian, a devout Christian, used sign language to show her love for Jesus by signing Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! She won a bronze in women’s street skateboarding. 

3 days after the rail was hit by attacks, the French internet cables were sabotaged. Also Paris had lost power for a while. 

Now the Olympic committee and NBC decided to take down the you tube opening ceremonies because the Christians got upset. Also the X users were getting copyright strikes by the Olympic committee for showing the videos, realized it  was hurting their program.

China warns US and Japan to stop creating what they call imaginary enemies after the countries lashed out at China’s actions in the China Sea. 

The communist candidate took over the elections in Venezuela despite the majority voters. It is said armed guards from his party were grabbing ballot boxes with guns in their hands. Putin congratulates him. The countries opposition rejected this and took to the streets. 

Tom says all the forces of evil are on the move all over the world. But God. 

Earthquake expert reports 5.1 in Texas and 4.4 Utah and Yellowstone geyser. He warns of plate activity that could reach as far east as Delaware and New York or Ohio with up to 5.0 possible. 

Comments of feeling more separated from people on this earth and her circle getting smaller. Many longing to go to be with Jesus. Watching, looking up.


Time is short, know Jesus as Savior. God sent His Son to rescue us from our sins. The perfect sacrifice, gave His life, shed His blood because of His love so we can spend eternity with Him in heaven.

Believe in what He did, receive and be saved, filled with Holy Spirit and will be ready for the rapture.

Be saved today, forever with Him in heaven.

Today’s Scriptures: 

Psalm 23:1-6 KJV

[1] The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. [2] He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. [3] He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. [4] Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. [5] Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. [6] Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Timestamp: 0:51