An Unusual April? The Rapture??

An Unusual April? The Rapture??

An Unusual April? The Rapture??

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NOTES: An Unusual April?  The Rapture?

Another great day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.  Yesterday was a special day to celebrate Jesus resurrection.  We celebrate every day.   

Last year, the year of weather balloons, strange devastating fires, food processing plants sabotage.   This year eclipses, cicadas, bridges being crashed into.

Now  April 1, this month, unusual?  We don’t put our expectations of April 8 being the rapture.  Tom says its like a thunderstorm off in the distance compared to the coming rapture.  It’s coming.

Tom references an article called 8 extremely unusual events that will happen during the month of April.

1.  The devil comet has become visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere.  Also the mother of dragons comet can be seen.  A comet that orbits the sun every 81 years. They  have impressive outbursts of gas and dust as it goes through the solar system.

2. April 4.  An extraordinary alignment of 4 planets, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Mars.  They will align in the morning sky.  Venus, Saturn and Mars will be visible to the naked eye.  But a telescope or high powered binoculars to see Neptune.  

3. April 8, not only the solar eclipse but the 7 other planets in our solar system along with the sun and moon will appear in a straight line in the sky when looking from Jerusalem toward the east.  

4. Also on April 8 CERN is planning to fire up the large Hadron collider.  Set to smash protons together to search for invisible particles secretly powering our universe.

Tom says some people say when the planets or eclipses align it could cause earthquakes.

5.  Great American eclipse.  USA Today is calling it the astronomical event of the decade.

6.  As the eclipse passes over America April 8, NASA will be firing 3 rockets into the moon shadow.  Tom thinks the Great American Eclipse is a sign of judgement. We don’t know what may come of it.

7.  Ominously, April 8 will complete the giant X over the New Madrid fault zone that the Great American Eclipse 2017 began.

8.  During the month of April is the cicada apocalypse.  For the first time since Thomas Jefferson was president, billions of 13 year cicadas and billions of 17 year cicadas will emerge from the ground simultaneously.  Billions  even trillions will emerge the same time across 17 states.  Brood 13 and 14 have been living underground for 17 and 13 years respectively and soon emerge for the same time in 221 years.

Tom says maybe this April 8 is a final warning, after the 2017 eclipse.  Thinks we are really close to the rapture.  Jesus is not rattled by any of this and tells us not to worry.  When we belong to Him, we trust in Him and told not worry.

Scriptures:  Philippians 4:6-7 – Do not worry, fear not.  Isaiah 41:10, 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 6:34 – Live for today, trust Him for today.  Don’t worry about tomorrow, take care of today.  Promised enough strength for the day.  As the day so shall thy strength be.  Psalms 84:19, John 14:1, John 14:27.


Poland’s leader puts European countries on notice.  Say they don’t want to scare anyone but prepare for war. Says Russia, Ukraine war is real, started over 2 years ago.  Says Russia has intensified air strikes against its neighbor. Recently, Russia missiles briefly breached Poland’s air space during an attack on Ukraine that prompted Warsaw to put its forces on heightened readiness.  Moscow has escalated its attacks in recent days launching several missiles on the capital Kyiv in Ukraine hitting energy infrastructure across the country in apparent retaliation for the recent Ukrainian aerial attacks on the Russian border region of Belgard.  

Tom  read a historian say what we see now is way worse than the build up to World War 2, geo-politically.

To that Tom says, Jesus is coming soon!   Doesn’t see World War 3 before Jesus comes with the rapture.

Israel Radar:  Israel builds massive supply of emergency fuel, food and medical gear to prepare for war with Hezbollah. Over 500 million dollars invested in boosting stockpile.  Fortify power electric grid to minimize rocket damage.  Daily blackouts expected.  Israel to halt gas rig and switch to alternative sources of energy during the war.  Hezbollah expected to fire over 5,000 missiles and rockets daily.  Officials say war will erupt unexpectedly regardless of who initiates it.  Most rockets to attack northern Israel. 

Tom says almost through with Gaza, next looks like Hezbollah, getting ready for something. But  God may step in and interrupt it.  Looking up every day.

Israel Channel 12 says  today Israel is in the worst situation globally since its beginning.  Says the world hates Israel. Support for Israel  is at an all time low and anti-Semitic is at a new high. 

Tom  says but God, His hand is on that nation.

Times of Israel:  Israel can’t go on like this.  Tens of thousands start a 4 day anti-government protest outside the Knesset.  Thousands of demonstrators packed streets Sunday evening, demanding the government resign.  They call it a 4 day event.  Also called for early elections and for the leaders to agree to a hostage deal to release 130 captives held in Gaza since October 7. Israeli protestors say they will burn Netanyahu’s house.

Tom says in the middle of a war with 250,000 rockets pointed at them and they start protesting their government?  

Israel Today says  Israel is quickly returning to the violent divisions like they had before.

IDF reported their fighter jets struck 10 terror weapon targets in South Lebanon.   

Times of Israel:  Israel said it formally has withdrawn from Shifa Gaza hospital ending the operation.  The raid began March 18 with IDF troops.  Said it captured some 900 suspects of which more than 500 were confirmed to be terror operatives.  Killed more than 200 gunmen.  Among those killed and detained were top commanders in Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Yesterday it was announced Netanyahu had emergency hernia surgery, doing fine.

Group of Hamas supporters disrupted Easter Service at St. Patricks Cathedral in New York City,  Walked up to the service and held their flags.

Yesterday, Easter Sunday morning an individual set a trailer full of Bibles on fire in front of a church in Tennessee and the Bibles were burned before the fire was contained. 

Another bridge hit over the weekend in Oklahoma by a large barge going fast.  This time the bridge did not collapse.

Last 48 hours earthquakes,  81 over 4.0, and 14 over 5.0.

Clown World

Little humorous how AI could make stuff up less than 2 years ago.  A computer scientist asked a question and Chat GPT2 replied the Golden Gate Bridge was transported for the 2nd time across Egypt in October 2016.  Now Chat GPT3 denies it! But  says it still continues to present material that isn’t true.  Maybe less obvious and makes it sound like fact.

Another from  Wall Street Journal. California fast food minimum wage is $20, started today.  The Fast foods being required to pay that but corner diner down the street does not.  It was $16 an hour.  California,  the highest minimum wage in the US.

Testimonies and comments:

Says was saved at 12 years old. Says God has guided her through her life for 86 years.  Can’t wait to go Home and meet Him face to face.

Says, they are on the verge of World War 3, we are on the verge of a wedding!

More stories of how God had His hand of protection with siblings saving the other out of danger.

Got saved at age 16 reading the Gospel of John, praises Him!


April 8 may be nothing but an eclipse and some things with it, or a warning for something coming.  But the world is getting darker,  time is very short.  Even the world is noticing.  No time to “find Jesus when I’m old”.  We see the everything set up for the 7 year tribulation.  We are waiting for the rapture and think it could happen at anytime.

To be saved, believe in all Jesus did to take away our sins.  To come to earth to shed His blood to take away all sins. The perfect sacrifice.

Admit of being a sinner and tell Him you believe in what He did.  Died, buried and rose again.  Believe and be saved, born again, receive the Holy Spirit, rapture ready. 

Many spend all their days on many things except look into their life when they die.  So important.  Reject, will go to hell.

Believe today,  be saved forever.

Today’s Scriptures:

Philippians 4:6-7 KJV

[6] Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. [7] And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 

Isaiah 41:10 KJV

[10] Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. 

1 Peter 5:7 KJV

[7] casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 

Matthew 6:34 KJV

[34] Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Psalm 94:19 KJV

[19] In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul.

John 14:1 KJV

[1] Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 

John 14:27 KJV

[27] Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.