Abbas Calls For A Peace Conference…

Abbas Calls For A Peace Conference…

Abbas Calls For A Peace Conference…

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
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NOTES: Tom suggests Pepsi and a loaded baked potato and put whatever you want on it and a lot of it!  And hang out with an old friend and a fellow servant of the Lord. 

Tom looks at the definition of refuge. Defined as protection or shelter from danger or hardships. Jesus is our refuge, shelter from danger.

Tom reads Scriptures about our refuge. Psalm 9:9, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 62: 7, Psalm 91: 1-2, Psalm 91:4, Psalm 59: 16, Proverbs 30:5, Psalm 31:1, Psalm 119:114. Tom says in these dark days there is only one place, Jesus, to put our trust as we await the pre- trib rapture. Tom thinks what we have realized in the last few years is, Jesus is all we have.


Reuters : Palestinian president Abbas was at a peace conference on Friday. He said a necessity to end war in Gaza. Lasting Political solution to lead to establishment of Palestinian State. Tom says that sounds like Biblical prophecy! Thinks this war of October 7 leads to peace and safety and the covenant with the antichrist. A different world than 10 years ago. Now all the signs converging. Technology for mark of the beast, central bank digital currency, 3rd temple with the Red Heifers ready to be sacrificed. They only need one and they say 4 are ready. Seeing earthquakes, crazy weather and coming famine.

Article : US vetos article 99 UN resolution on Gaza that called for ceasefire. To force peace. United Kingdom abstained and the rest voted for except the US. Tom says this makes the cries for peace and safety louder. The world wants Israel to stop now. 

Times of Israel:  Iran warns UN of uncontrollable explosion after US veto of ceasefire resolution in Middle East situation.

Iran foreign minister praised chief’s decision to use article 99 as brave move to international place and security. Tom says hearing that every day.

An article saying US gives Israel until the end of the year to wrap up Gaza operation. Later US denied reports of Jan I deadline. IDF says it needs another 1 1/2  months to complete their mission in Gaza. 

Amir said IDF found out location of hostages. They went in and 2 terrorists were killed. 2 IDF soldiers injured. The hostage, a 25 year old Israeli man was killed by Hamas. He was tortured and murdered and Hamas showed it on video. Tom says that is their way.

Palestinian activists removed the flag of US and replaced it with Palestinian flag at Golden Gate bridge in California.

1 in 5 young Americans think the Holocaust is a myth. That is 20% of Americans under 30. Tom says, lies and deception.

Tropical cyclone Jasper is at cat.  4 on coast of Australia.

Massive fish die off in N. Japan, thousands.  Tom says in Russia there has been videos of rivers that were blood red. Shadows of the tribulation. 

Past  24 hours earthquakes, 58 over 4.0 and 15 over 5.0.   Blackout in Sri Lanka, nationwide power outage.

Clown world: Climate groups said to Biden,  Ai worse than climate change. Tom says climate change is sort of  invented by Ai. It’s going to get worse.

Another, from Business Insider. Ai doctors office at mall or gym will let you test your own blood. No doctors  there. Ai offices called care pods.  Start in 2024 for only 99 $ a month.


Says they can mock and scoff, as Jesus said but will not stop. Patiently and quietly listening, watching and waiting for our blessed hope.

Says  misconception that Israel’s fate dependent on US support. Says  that’s not in my Bible. Says what is happening now world wide is most obvious sign of rapture so far.

Says believes we are going to the wedding feast of our Lord. Continues to pray for all children of God. Doesn’t matter what side they are, religion, or what sin. Jesus blood so royal paid for every person, every sin, ever lived. God the Father, in Jesus Christ with Holy Spirit deserves all the glory.

Testimony: Says she practiced Wicca for 18 years. One night 6 years ago saw an accident and said as she held a young man dying she prayed Psalm 23. Says she  went home and threw open her arms and gave her life to Jesus. It changed her. She just turned 65.

Says don’t have much time. Said her last words to her daughter was love you. Her daughter was healthy and had life plans and died on her way to work. Says she is with Jesus and will see her again. She asks, will I see you?

Tom says I care what you believe. Will we see you on that day when Jesus says ” come up here!”?  Or are you one that says, no need to, or I don’t want to get too religious. Don’t have to get too religious. Have to believe your sins were paid for by the King of kings by His blood because He loves you. Talk to Him, check out the book of John. We are all sinners. Some sin more than others but there is no scale, Sin will separate from God forever if not taken care of. Believe in the power of His blood. His last words, it is finished, sin debt paid in full. Say, Lord forgive these sins, believe in His finished work. Be saved forever. Will go in the rapture. Once the Holy Spirit is put in us, become a child of God. Warns if don’t believe, will go to hell. Today is the day of salvation. Reads Isaiah 43:25, Psalm 103:12, Micah 7:19.

Today’s Scriptures:

Psalm 9:9 KJV

[9] The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, A refuge in times of trouble.

Timestamp: 1:30

Psalm 62:7 KJV

[7] In God is my salvation and my glory: The rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

Timestamp: 2.00

Psalm 91:12 KJV

[1] He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: My God; in him will I trust.

Timestamp: 2:18

Psalm 91:4 KJV

[4] He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Timestamp: 2:34

Psalm 59:16 KJV

[16] But I will sing of thy power; Yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: For thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

Timestamp: 2:46

Proverbs 30:5 KJV

[5] Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Timestamp: 3.00

Psalm 31:1 KJV

[1] In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; Let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.

Timestamp: 3:11

Psalm 119:114 KJV

[114] Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.

Timestamp: 3:22

Isaiah 43:25 KJV

[25] I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. 

Timestamp: 28:05

Psalm 103:12 KJV

[12] As far as the east is from the west, So far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

Timestamp: 28:38

Micah 7:19 KJV

[19] He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. 

Timestamp: 28:53