Israel: BRACING For Retaliation!

Israel: BRACING For Retaliation!

Israel: BRACING For Retaliation!

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0:00 Intro & Scripture
2:59 News
26:57 The Gospel

July 3, 2024 – Watchman River Tom – Israel Bracing For Retaliation!

Scriptures. Works and fruit.

John 15: 1-4 To bear fruit we have to be in the vine. Jesus is the true vine and the Father is the vine dresser and we are the branches. When we abide in Him, trust Him and pray and in the Word, we bear fruit. It’s not doing works that we think we have to do. Fruit comes naturally. A branch on an apple tree that’s healthy bears fruit. Stay connected to Jesus.


Times of Israel: A Hezbollah senior commander was killed today in Israeli strike in Lebanon. 

Amir said he was a top commander and Israel is bracing for significant retaliation.

Times of Israel: top advisor to Iran’s leader said Iran and all its proxies will back Hezbollah if war breaks out. 

Tom says neither Israel or Hezbollah want war. Israel tells Hezbollah to go back 3 miles beyond the river as the UN told them to do several years ago. Says if they don’t Israel will push them there.

Houthis say they give Israel 3 days to stop the war in Gaza or Houthis threaten to bomb Israel’s nuclear research center where nukes are. 

Tom says we hear all the threats knowing we are in the season of the rapture and could leave anytime. 

Israel Today: IDF chief says they have eliminated over 900 terrorists in Rafah. 

Tom says they want to end Rafah and concentrate on the North with Lebanon. Rockets are still going off there though. 

Tom thinks this is Psalm 83 with the inner ring and God steps in and they kill each other to prepare for Ezekiel 38 which would happen after the rapture. Feels Ezekiel is at the mid point of the tribulation. 

Israel Today: Israel Air Force struck and dismantled over 50 terror infrastructure sites during the raids. Targeted operational tunnel shafts and weaponry on Central Gaza. IDF is continuing a targeted intelligence based operational activity in Rafah.

Israel Today: a journalist writes Israel locals now want soft drinks and cigarettes. IDF have said for months they have everything else.

Amir: Egypt and Israel relations have been strained as tunnels were found in Egypt leading to Gaza. Israel wants to make upper and lower barriers along the Philadelphia corridor and move the Rafah crossing to a new site in Egypt which Egypt opposed.

British finance ministry also telling its citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible. 

Insider Paper: 2 Russian navy ships dock in Venezuela for a stop over. Moscow said it shows the closeness between the 2 countries. To show the flag and to ensure naval presence on operationally important areas of the Atlantic. 

Tom says the ships are all over the place. Russian ships can be seen from Miami and Chinese in Cuba. 

War talk. We don’t worry when we belong to Jesus. If not, reason to worry because 7 year tribulation is coming very soon.

Insider Paper: China ramps up spying capacity in Cuba potentially giving China a window to sensitive military data from Florida. Said the Cuban sites may also provide the ability to monitor radio traffic and intercept data delivered by satellites as they pass over highly sensitive military sites such as Central and S. Central command based in Florida.

Tom says US let China fly a balloon over the country gathering data from the nuclear sites.


Unprecedented cat 5 hurricane Beryl said it has the new record for the earliest cat 5 hurricane by a huge 15 day margin. It continues to break records. Ravaged through the Caribbean. 

Tom says it could have been created, man made. Nothing is shocking now. 

Floods in China, the worst in 70 years. A war time emergency  declared after a river went up to 23 feet above alert level. 

NE India has floods and landslides the last few weeks, 80 lost their lives so far. 

Past 24 hour earthquakes: 41 over 4.0 and 5 over 5.0.

UFO news?

June 5 a sighting was seen about 1/2 mile from the Red Rock Amphitheater in Colorado. A dozen employees reported what they say looked like a UFO. Described as large, long disc shaped craft, silent object. Say it was the size of a 3 story office building and 3 levels of windows and lights. Reported that as soon as it saw it was noticed it tipped to an angle and started moving belly first to the east before it vanished. 

Tom says what will it look like when we disappear in the rapture? We don’t know, but its soon!

Ai news:

BBC: a large amount of energy and power is used to power Ai and it is increasing. Warning about the environmental impact.

Reports say Greenhouse Google gas emissions are going up. 48% higher in 2023 than 2011. 

Goolge set target to reach zero emissions by 2030 but they admit it will be hard as Ai is being integrated into all our products. Tom says and they want us to not eat meat and not drive cars for the climate. Crazy. 

Another: creepy one.

Life Science: reports in recent years body parts have been successfully grown in the lab. Wide range of miniature organs and body parts from stem cells of specific tissues. Grown on credit card size devices that mimic the conditions of an organ in the body. 

Tom says, and they talk of head transplants and skin on robots with faces. So glad we are getting out of here!


The simplicity of the Gospel is satan’s greatest fear. Saved by grace through faith in the blood of Jesus to cleanse us of all sin. All praise and glory to Him!

When we pray for those who we are in conflict with it will heal them and us. 

Says her family is saved but don’t want to hear what is going on in the world. Even friends, all think she is nuts talking about the rapture. 

Tom says watching what is going on in the world it should persuade people, get their attention. 


Time is short. We don’t know when the rapture is or the start of the tribualtion but it could be any day. Further along than we can even realize, 

Need to share the Gospel. The decision that will tell if we will go in the rapture to Jesus or left behind. 

Jesus came to earth 2,000 years ago to die for all sins. Perfect sacrifice, Lamb of God, shed His blood to take all our sins. 100% God, 100% man. We all need payment for our sin by the blood of Jesus. 

Simply admit of being a sinner and believe He takes it all by His finished work. He died, was buried and rose the third day and coming again. Believe, be saved, born again, filled with Holy Spirit and rapture ready. 

Warns if reject and don’t believe, sins not forgiven and can’t go to heaven but will go to hell forever. 

Saved by grace through faith, nothing we do or can do. He loves us, wants us to be with Him in heaven forever. 

Be saved today.

Today’s Scripture: Works and Fruit

John 15:1-4 KJV

[1] I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. [2] Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. [3] Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. [4] Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.