BREAKING NEWS Out Of Israel… 4 Hostages RESCUED!

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0:00 Intro & Scriptures
2:27 News
23:49 The Gospel

June 8, 2024 – Watchman River Tom  – Breaking News out of Israel

Isaiah 25:1 Lord, You are my God, I will exalt You, I will praise Your name. For You have done wonderful things Your council of old are faithfulness and truth. 

Psalm 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Psalm 63: 3-4 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life my lips shall praise You thus will I bless You while I live. I will lift up my hands in Your name. 

Psalm 105: 1 He says, make known His deeds among the peoples. 

Tom gives some good reports today, we make known His deeds among the peoples.

Pete Garcia, who many know, of Rev 3:10 gave an update on his 11 year old daughter who was in a serious car accident. Pete and his wife have told of the amazing miracles and how God has worked in it all through the care for her. People have been praying all over the world and  they are so thankful. She got to go home yesterday! We give God all praise and glory! We continue to pray for her healing.

Also, the other praise report that we make known His deeds to the people.   4 Israeli hostages we just rescued! They had been kidnapped from Nova music festival October 7. They were rescued by IDF. Reports are they are in good medical condition. Tom saw a video of the smiling young woman with her dad and it it’s his birthday today. There are also videos of the 3 young men and the young woman with their families.

IDF reports they raided 2 homes in the heart of Gaza to rescue them. Hundreds of troops took part in the operation. One soldier was killed in the effort. Also during this it is reported around 100 terrorists were killed. 

This was being planned for over a month and Netanyahu approved the plan. They had to sneak in. One with a furniture truck with their forces in there. 

Netanyahu spoke on the phone with the young lady and they said they had never given up on them. Both with tears. Netanyahu visited the hospital they were taken to.

Amir reports that a Sr Hamas leader was eliminated. Not sure who, may have been the second leader, Sinwar is the head leader. 

Hamas had this to say. Said this is a massacre and threatens to halt all hostage ceasefire negotiations.

JNS: Houthis holding captive 9 UN staff members in Yemen. AP says Houthis face increasing financial pressure and air strikes from US. Tom says UN members are not even with Israel.

War News 24/7 topic is Israel Hezbollah showdown, Netanyahu green light. Say it may happen within days. Reports additional 50,000 military will be added to the 300,000 reservists called up so far. 

Tom says we pray for all the people. Most Lebanese are opposed to the presence of Hezbollah. 

Blinken to visit Middle East next week to push ceasefire plan. His 8th visit since October 7. Said to visit Israel and key Arab partners, Egypt, Jordan and Qatar.

Putin says Brics is developing its own independent payment system. Free from political pressure, abuse and external interference. Also reports the Saudi Arabia is going to start using a different currency for oil than the US dollar. Tom says its the New World Order. Not the US, it is disappearing.

More than 2,500 store closings so far in 2024. Says if this trend continues the number of stores closed would be 40% higher than those closed in 2023. Also banks closing branches coast to coast as well as restaurants. 

Past 24 hour earthquakes, 41 over 4.0 and 7 over 5.0. 

Clown world

Newsweek: a dad gets Ai to try to help with a daughter who will only listen to her mom. Got an app that lets him clone his wife’s voice with a simple text like, put on a coat. Thats’ clown world. 


Says the Scriptures will encourage us no matter what is going on. Sometimes we need a rebuke, help with a decision. Yes His Word is amazing.

Thinking of the righteousness that will reign when King Jesus sits on His throne and we reign with Him. Says just hang on for a little longer.

God will have the last Word. Romans 8: 28 all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose. We will be praising Jesus at the foot of His throne very soon.


After listening to all that is going on, ask, will you be left behind? Or will you pay attention and believe and be saved  and not left behind. 

Just know what Jesus did and why He had to do it. Because we all have sins that keep us from heaven and God. He took all our sins upon Him on the cross so we can be saved. Just admit being a sinner and believe what He did.

He came from heaven, died, was buried and rose on the 3rd day. He shed His blood, the perfect sacrifice, the Lamb of God. 

If reject, don’t receive, sins won’t be forgiven and won’t go to heaven but hell.

Believe, be saved, born again, rapture ready for heaven. Saved by grace through faith alone. 

Be saved today, forever with Him in heaven.

Today’s Scriptures:

Isaiah 25:1 NKJV

[1] O Lord, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, For You have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

Psalms 150:6 NKJV

[6] Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

Psalms 63:3-4 NKJV

[3] Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You. [4] Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.

Psalms 28:7 NKJV

[7] The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him.

Psalms 145:3 NKJV

[3] Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable.

Psalms 42:11 NKJV

[11] Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.

Psalms 105:1 NKJV

[1] Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!

Psalms 145:1 NKJV

[1] I will extol You, my God, O King; And I will bless Your name forever and ever.

Romans 8:28 NKJV

[28] And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.