Netanyahu Sets A Date!

Netanyahu Sets A Date!

Netanyahu Sets A Date!

Link to supposed UFO eclipse video: />
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NOTES: Watchman River Tom – April 9, 2024

Tom tells about the eclipse.  How spectacular it looked through the glasses.  What an amazing, powerful Creator! Watching the moon cover the sun when the moon is 400 times smaller than the son, and the sun is 400 times farther away and they line up.  God who sent his only begotten Son Jesus who spoke the sun and moon into existence.  And He came upon His creation to shed His blood for our sin and save us.  Rescued us.  He loves us.   


Ephesians 1:3-4 He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be Holy and without blame before Him in love.

Ps 23, His rod and staff comforts us.

He knew us before the foundation of the world.  Jesus calms the storm .. He can calm the storms of our life, walks with us through them. 


Netanyahu says he set a date to go into Rafah.

Jerusalem Post – Yesterday Netanyahu sets a date for Rafah operation and pushes  back against the US.  To destroy remaining Hamas battalions as US opposes it.  US says it would create a humanitarian disaster.

Amir – Netanyahu said he received a detailed report on the talks in Cairo.  Says working all the time to achieve our goals. Primarily to release all our hostages and achieving complete victory over Hamas.  This victory requires entry into Rafah and the elimination of terrorists battalions. He say  it will happen, there is a date.

Times of Israel: Israel is prepared to strike Iranian nuclear facilities if Iran launches an attack.

Tom says Iran wants to protect its nuclear facilities.  Reports are that in recent days Israel has been conducting Air Force drills that include preparing to target Iranian nuclear facilities and other key infrastructure.    Iran is urging it’s proxies to launch attacks for it.  According to CNN  Iran does not want to escalate the situation as it is concerned about US or Israel responses to an attack.

Israel Today: US intelligence officials tell CNN that Iran will respond to Israeli assassination by multi-front.  With it’s proxies, heavy rocket fire, multiple drone strikes, expected to happen this week.

Amir talks about Israel, Syrian attacks of military structures.

Israel Today- Biden Administration wants Gaza ceasefire, hostage deal by end of Ramadan tomorrow.  Proposal includes 6 week ceasefire, 46 Israelis hostages freed, 6,000 Palestinians return every day to northern Gaza following a security check by Israeli forces. 

Say the exact number of jailed Palestinians doesn’t matter because Hamas has already rejected this proposal.  Hamas continues to insist on permanent ceasefire and return of all residents to Northern Gaza and only then will it negotiate the release of hostages.   Tom says and we don’t know how many hostages are there.

“Grand Puba” of Hezbollah had a speech yesterday.  He said Israel and US know the Iranian response to Damascus stirke is coming.

Reuters – US Military strikes Houthis air defense and drone systems in the Red Sea region amid escalating tensions yesterday.  Target the Houthis drone systems and safeguard the Red Sea shipping lanes.  US has neutralized air defense and drone systems in Yemen.

China’s foreign minister said it will support the stable development of the Russian Federation after Putin re-election. Says it will guarantee strong relations between the two.

Indonesia, S. Philippines was just struck by a large 6.6 earthquake.

Insider Paper:  80% of Ukraines coal and gas power plants and half of its hydroelectric plants have been hit by Russian attacks.

Russia has launched almost daily strikes on Ukraine’s power grid since late March  causing major blackouts.  Continue to pray for them.

Clown World.  The Guardian – Now Elon Musk predicts superhuman AI will be smarter than people next year.  Said he is concerned of a terminator future.  References the film where a self aware computer system wages war on humanity. Tom  thinks Musk may be the ring leader of Clown World.

During the Solar eclipse in Arlington Texas supposedly a UFO was spotted. There is  Video of it and  gives a link. Shows a partial eclipse with a shadow going across, then moves in opposite direction before vanishing completely.

Comments – 

Says she still has problems but doesn’t bother her as much because I have Jesus.  

Gospel –

Greatest love story.

Many times when we tell people we are all sinners they measure it to how “bad” the sins are.  But, no, we all fall short, we all sin and the wages is death.   The Creator of the universe came to give His life to save us from all our sins.  We will sing His praises for all eternity. 

Believe that He took all our sins and receive His forgiveness and be saved.  Will be saved forever.  Don’t reject  Him or at the last day will not have sins forgiven and go to hell.

Be saved today.

Today’s Scriptures:

Ephesians 1:3-4 KJV

[3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: [4] according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 

Psalm 107:28-29 KJV

[28] Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, And he bringeth them out of their distresses. [29] He maketh the storm a calm, So that the waves thereof are still.

Psalm 23:4 KJV

[4] Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.