Don’t MISS The Rapture!

Don’t MISS The Rapture!

Don’t MISS The Rapture!

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
Berlin CT 06037
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Free Glossy Rapture Booklet
The Rapture… What Happened and Why?
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NOTES: Don’t Miss the Rapture!

Tom truly believes we are not just in the end times, but the last days.  Just waiting.  All the signs to a 7 year tribulation have converged.

Some ask, should we be waiting, looking up. Watching?  Absolutely.

Tom looks back at Jesus triumphal entry.  It’s in all 4 Gospels.  Reads Luke 19:41-44.  As He drew near He saw the city and wept over it.  He said, if you had known, even you especially in this your day the things that make for your peace. But now they are hidden from your eyes…. You did not know the time of My visitation.

All the prophets spoke of the coming Messiah, so many signs of His coming.  But Jesus weeps.  Tom  says he doesn’t want to be the person to meet Jesus and He says you weren’t even looking, didn’t know the times you were in.  

Yes if you are saved, believing in Jesus blood to take away sins and then have the Holy Spirit within, you will be raptured.  But like then, they were told, but they didn’t know?  Feels like we are reliving that.

So many Christians have heard so many times “you will not know the day or the hour” they refuse to even look at the signs.  Tom  says he is not looking for the day or the hour but the 7 year tribulation.  It’s all ready, it could start tomorrow.

Tom asks Christians how could they not know these times.? Asks are you listening to the “ you tube prophets” who said the rapture isn’t for 100 years.

The signs have converged.  Wars, rumors of wars, pestilences, earthquakes all over, set up for one world money system that could happen at anytime.  Technology for mark of the beast.  What we went through since 2020, is there now.

Tom is concerned by  thought of being caught off guard, not knowing we are in the last days.

Many say if you don’t believe in the rapture you will be left behind.  No.  Saved you will, that’s the oil, the Holy Spirit. Many wonder if they are worthy.  We aren’t, we can’t do anything, it’s all Jesus.  If we could work enough to earn our salvation, or ticket in the rapture, Jesus wouldn’t have had to go to the cross.  He provided the way.

He still thinks about how Jesus wept because they “didn’t know the time of their visitation”.  Don’t be caught off guard, be waiting when our King comes to rapture the church.

News – 

AP – A report claims Yemen Houthis have a hypersonic missile possibly raising the stakes in the Red Sea  crisis with attacks to shipping.  The Houthis talk of “surprises”.  So far US and allies have been able to down any missile or bomb carrying drone that comes near warships in the Middle East waters.

Amir: Hamas told Israeli Arabs ahead of Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque  to come in mass and barricade themselves inside.  Also Hamas calls youth in Judea and Samaria to carry out attacks. 

Tom says so far nothing larger has happened yet.    Goes on until  April 8,  the Great American Eclipse.

Putin says it has a message to the West,  ready for nuclear war.  To use weapons, particularly nuclear, especially if the US deploys troops into Ukraine.  Said he doesn’t believe the nuclear threat is imminent but emphasizes his readiness to initiate missile launches.  This marks the 11th time Putin has issued a warning since the  full scale invasion of Ukraine began.  3 threats in the last month.  This follows Macron’s earlier remark of possibly sending troops to Ukraine.

Tom wonders if all these, Russia, China, and Iran threatening nukes, will happen fast.  Jesus said when all these signs begin to happen, look up, our redemption draws near.

6.0 earthquake in New Guinea.  Past 24 hours earthquakes. 42 over 4.0, 9 over 5.0, 1 over 6.0

People talking online about how fast Ai will go and how “smart” it will be.  Musk came on his X platform and said, Ai will probably be smarter than any single human being by next year. And by 2029 Ai will probably be smarter than all human beings combined. 

Tom says Ai does not make this world sustainable.  Sees it being the major part of the beast system the antichrist uses. So much lies and deception in it.  Crazy.

Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores set to close a thousand stores.  Saying it caters to low income customers, especially in cities, where they shop. 

New York Post reports another story of someone using Ai “project December” to contact her dead mother.  The Chat Bot called her by her nickname that she registed under and she said at moments it felt like it was her real mom speaking.  Said felt spooky and and at times real.

Tom is speechless, this lady needs Jesus.  Jesus come get us, we’re ready.

Tom said he saw on FaceBook someone talked about a friend who has lived in different parts of Africa for almost 40 years.  30 years of it working with elephants in behavioral research.  She said  her and her colleagues are witnessing all of the elephants are moving to higher ground.  Extremely restless for the past few weeks, especially the last few days.  They began contacting other wildlife experts around the world.  Every single one of them told them the animals are “running for the hills.” Now they are warning that some global unprecedented cataclysmic event is about to happen. They say the animals don’t lie, they are running for higher ground.  Like an earthquake or tsunami is coming.  Saying we don’t have much time left.


Says she’s 11 years old and can’t wait for the rapture. Says her family watches Tom’s videos every day.  Says she prays for her family and friends to find the Lord.

Many comments on how  the “love of many have grow cold”.

Says wants to be in God’s word, focused on heaven every hour of the day and  trying to live a Christ-like life, being a light to the world.


The best news.  Jesus left a throne in heaven, put on human flesh and walked perfectly, never sinned.

We all have sin.  The Lamb of God, shed His blood that removes all our sins..

When we believe in all He did we will be saved, have the Holy Spirit and will spend eternity with Him. 

Tell Him you believe and thank Him. 

You will be rapture ready.  Don’t miss the rapture, warns of hell if reject Him. 

Time is short.  Be saved today.

Today’s Scripture:

Luke 19:41-44 KJV

[41] And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, [42] saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. [43] For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, [44] and shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. 



I grew up in the Mormon church. They preached that your works will get you to heaven. Then in 1996 I met a Christian woman who led me to Christ. I was saved, well at least I thought I was. I was just going through the motions. In 2013, I was meeting with my pastor and on August 26th 2013 I honestly gave my heart and soul to God. I felt His presence run all through my body. It was so amazing that I had to tell everybody. I was saved by the grace and blood of Christ. I am now living the Christian life and have a better prayer life than ever. Hallelujah, Christ reigns forever, amen!!!
