New THREATS Of Nuclear War. The Last Days.

New THREATS Of Nuclear War. The Last Days.

New THREATS Of Nuclear War. The Last Days.

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NOTES: New Threats of Nuclear War.  The Lat Days.

Scriptures for today:

Nahum 1:7. He knows those who trust in Him.  We trust in His salvation, Psalm 145:17, Psalm 27:13, Psalm 25:6-7. He paid for our sins 2,000 years ago.  

War talk all over.   Macron responds to Putin’s nuclear threats regarding Russia’s readiness for nuclear war.  Macron states France is a nuclear power and inappropriate to make such threats when you have nuclear weapons.  Says we must feel first and foremost protected because we are a nuclear power.  Says we are ready and have a doctrine for nuclear weapons.  

Tom says never have been so many threats of nuclear as if it’s common now.  Everyone has a nuke!  Very last days.

Leader of the Houthis had a speech.  Said so far we have attacked 73 ships as part of our support for Gaza.  Sacrificed 34 martyrs for this purpose and announce that from now on we will prevent Israel ships or those that make their way to Israel ports from passing through the Indian Ocean. Tom says first  it was just the Red Sea and now expanding it and getting away with it.

Jerusalem Post:  Iran is using European ports to smuggle arms to Hezbollah.  Says Hezbollah received arms including missiles and bombs used on Israel from ships that docked in Belgium, Spain and Italy.  Done due to Israel military pressure in the form of air strikes on Iran assets in Syria and Lebanon.  

Israel Radar:  Israeli forces in Jerusalem are on their highest alert for the 1st Friday of Ramadan today.  3,000 police officers are deployed.  Tom says they finished their 1st round of “prayers” with about 70,000 people.

Netanyahu approves plan for the military operation in Rafah in South Gaza Strip.  Preparing for evacuation of the population.

Amir says Reuters has published the proposal of Hamas.  Says he is ready to release women, elderly and the sick in exchange for the release of 700 – 1,000 security prisoners.  The first phase, all women soldiers for the release of 100 heavy prisoners.  The 2nd phase, release of the rest in exchange for release of all security prisoners and the end of the war.  Amir says this will never happen.

The Air Force General reveals an alarming number of drones crossing into US airspace at the Southern border.  Over 1,000 a month, near the border of Mexico.

Smoke seen near the Lincoln Memorial on Washington’s National Mall.  No details about it yet. 

Tom says as we hear a 2 State solution, watch the weather.   Last night the  Mid West got slammed with storms.  Pray. Tornados across Indiana and Ohio leave at least 6 dead in Ohio.  Reports from the  Columbus areas.  Much property damage.  At least 5 tornados in Northern Ohio.

Last 24 hour earthquakes, 41 over 4.0, 6 over 5.0, 1 over 6.0.

NASA says preparing for internet apocalypse.  Threat from an impending solar storm within a year from now.  Saying sometimes they can cause beautiful lights in the sky and other times, a lot of damage. 

Tom says we trust Jesus completely.

Fast food prices have risen faster than inflation over the last 15 years.    Fast food is supposed to be cheaper than the rest!

Comments and testimonies:

When God calls and a person responds it is powerful in a persons life to show others and they may follow and respond also.  

Says works with Ai as a second job and says its already smarter than us. Says trying to go elsewhere to get away from it.  Says it does lie, called hallucination. 

Tom says  Ai will be smarter but never have a conscience and reason.

Says when she got saved 49 years ago her friend, who led her to the Lord, told her Jesus will come in their lifetime. Because Israel becoming a nation in 1948.  Says she never forgot that and has been waiting for the rapture ever since.


Come to Jesus.  He wants to lavish us with His goodness for eternity.  No eye has seen or ear has heard what God has prepared for us that love Him.  Why would we refuse.  People waste so many hours and aren’t interested in Jesus. Because Satan is after them.

2,000 years ago the entire sin problem was solved.  God sent His only begotten Son to earth to give His life as a sacrifice for us, to remove sin.  Removes every sin ever committed, so much power from the blood.

Finished, paid in full.  Only believe. He did it all, died, buried and rose again.  Believe, be saved, born again, spend eternity with Him.  Reject, throwing away the payment, will go to hell.  

Today is the day of salvation.

Today’s Scriptures:

Nahum 1:7 KJV

[7] The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. 

Psalm 145:17 KJV

[17] The LORD is righteous in all his ways, And holy in all his works. 

Psalm 27:13 KJV

[13] I had fainted, Unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

Psalm 25:6-7 KJV

[6] Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; For they have been ever of old. [7] Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: According to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O LORD. 



I was 22, finished college, my stepdad died earlier that spring, and I was injured from my construction job….so I went to visit my born again grandma….she said to me, “there’s only 2 types of people in this world… those that are saved and those that are about to be, which one are you?” I said, “I guess I’m about to be!” She led me in prayer and prayed for my hurt knee…..I became a new creature that day and 2 days later my knee was totally healed. I heard God speak in my heart, “Yes, I did that!”. From that day, 7/2/99, my life has never been the same, so thankful for Jesus Christ in me and my faithful grandma