The TOP 20 Warning Signs That The Rapture Is Near!

The TOP 20 Warning Signs That The Rapture Is Near!

The TOP 20 Warning Signs That The Rapture Is Near!

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NOTES: The top 20 warning signs that the rapture is near.

Tom warns these will be very troubling subjects.  The troubling times we are in.  Reminds us that Jesus has it all.  And when we believe in Jesus, we will be taken out of it. 

Tom reads Isaiah 5:20-2.  We are living in a world where they call evil good and good, evil.

1. War in Israel. The  major sign.  Tom remains convinced this war leads to the rapture.

2. Israel’s troubles and antisemitism.  The whole world is watching what Israel is doing.  Turning against Israel to stop the war.   Even some believers have turned their backs on Israel.  

3.  Apostasy in the churches.  A majority of US churches no longer hold a Biblical world view.  They look like the world.  They don’t talk about end times. We noticed after the pandemic started something shifted major in the churches.

4. Wars and rumors of wars.  Never seen it like this.   Russia, Ukraine, Israel wars and rumors of wars. All around the world is the threat of nuclear war. From  Russia, Iran, N. Korea, and China.

5. Riots, protests and unrest, All over the world. As if  become desensitized.  

6. Failing economies, inflation.  Bank closures.  The world economies falling apart.  A lot of it intentional.

7.  Floods, drought, fires, natural disasters.

8. Coming worldwide famine due to above.  Food plants being burned.  The elite have an agenda.  All point to the 7 year tribulation, very close.  Rapture takes the believers out.

9.  Pestilences, plagues.  The last 3-4 years the world dealt with the same problem.  Entire world on lockdown.

10.  Earthquakes, volcanoes.  Tom has an earthquake alert app and they are ramping up. The experts at this say these are unprecedented. 

11.  Strange signs in the sky.  This last year strange, unexplained things in the sky.  Things they call UFO, UAP.  So much talk of UFO’s, they will likely blame the rapture with  it.

12.  Lawlessness.  All the way from the top to the bottom.  People do terrible crimes with no consequences.  It empowers people.

13. One world government on the horizon.  America loses its power, can see when happens, a one world government.

14.  One world religion in sight.  Think it is there.  UAE has the religious center Chrislam. That is  Christianity and Islam mix.

15. Love of many growing cold.  Keeps increasing, when we are gone it will be chaos.

16. The technology for Mark of the Beast.  Understand now how this is in place.  Can even take a tattoo and put digital information on it and read it with scanner.  Tracking everywhere.

17. The technology for one world monetary system, cashless society. Central bank digital currencies being tried all over the world.  Some stores no longer accept cash.

18. The 3rd temple.  Everything is ready and the Jews want it now.  It will be in place in the tribulation.

19.  The Red Heifer.  Since 2,000 years they have tried and now  are perfect, and of  age.

20. Ai, artificial intelligence. It has been around awhile but mainstream in 2023.  It is exploding, in  Government, military, education.  Every business has a plan for Ai.  

Tom is passionate to wake people up.

2 Timothy 3:1-5.  Last days perilous times will come.  Lists the conditions.  We see it all.  The rapture is next, it’s what we are waiting for.

Tom strongly presents the Gospel and pleads for salvation to become  among the ones that will be in the rapture taken to be with Jesus.  He died for us, shed His blood to make the way for us to be covered, all sins forgiven.  Believe in what He did and receive it.  Warns, don’t reject Him and His sacrifice or will go to hell forever.

Believe, be saved today.  The rapture could be today.

Today’s Scriptures:

Isaiah 5:20-22 KJV

[20] Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! [21] Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! [22] Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: 

Timestamp: 2:01

2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV

[1] This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2] For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, [3] without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4] traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; [5] having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 

Timestamp: 21:22

the TOP 20 Signs That The Rapture Is Near:

1. War In Israel

Timestamp: 2:54

2. Israel, A Cup Of Trembling 

Timestamp: 3:29

3. Apostasy in The Churches

Timestamp: 4:18

4. Rumors Of Wars

Timestamp: 5:22

5. Unrest In This World

Timestamp: 6:20

6. Failing Economies

Timestamp: 7:17

7. Floods, Droughts, Natural Disasters

Timestamp: 7:49

8. Talk Of Coming Famine

Timestamp: 8:22

9. Pestilence And Plagues

Timestamp: 9:29

10. Earthquakes, Volcanoes 

Timestamp: 10:04

11. The Appearance Of Strange Things In The Skies

Timestamp: 10:44

12. Lawlessness 

Timestamp: 12:05

13. One World Government 

Timestamp: 13:17

14. One World Religion 

Timestamp: 14:17

15. The Love Of Many Grow Cold

Timestamp: 14:37

16. Technology For The Mark Of The Beast

Timestamp: 15:08

17. Technology For One World Monetary System 

Timestamp: 16:10

18. The Third Temple

Timestamp: 17:12

19. Red Heifers

Timestamp: 19:32

20. Artificial Intelligence 

Timestamp: 19:37



I was a lost sheep. A sinner. Loving God but not knowing him. I was asked to resign from a job of 9 years.  Not knowing what i would do next at 62 years.  I took a position that had an old coworker friend from a career long ago. He told me of the rapture. He told me i needed to know the Lord. From that point on my faith was  restored. I asked God for forgiveness of my sins. Praying, going to church, reading scripture.  And watching you Tom.  God bless you and your family.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.   Jeff


I grew up in the Methodist church & was taught all the Bible stories. But not until I did a Bible study on the book of revelation in 2006 did I realize that this is the time that we are in now and I need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, so gave my life to him, and never turned back, he is my Lord and Savior and so thankful I now have salvation.