Cries For The Third Temple. In the LAST Days!

Cries For The Third Temple. In the LAST Days!

Cries For The Third Temple. In the LAST Days!

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
285 Berlin Turnpike Box 137
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NOTES: Tom comments he is down by the river today and has his windows cracked.  Says its 9:30 AM and smells hamburgers cooking!  Makes him think of his favorite burger at Smashburgers.   And they ave skinny French fries with rosemary.  Would like that,  there are lots of good burger places but got expensive.

Scriptures about the power of our Lord:

I Chronicles 29:11, Jeremiah 32:27, nothing is too hard for the Lord.  Luke 1:37,  Revelation  1:8, Psalms 91:-2.  Trust only in the Lord. Jeremiah 32:7, Psalms 145:3. 

Tom asks how can someone not see we are living in the last days.  Not looking and seeing what is going on.  War all over the world, talking nuclear war, and everything else.  Cries for the 3rd temple.  They say by Passover this year, in a couple months, a Red Heifer will be ready for sacrifice.  


The president of Argentina called for construction of the third temple.  He was just in Jerusalem.  He said today he wants the construction of the temple of Solomon to fulfill the prophecy that will bring the Messiah of the Jews to earth.  May be implying the destruction of Al Asqa mosque.

Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets at northern Israel towns.  Over 30.  Most shot down by iron dome system or fell in open areas.  

Amir  says today IDF is attacking non stop in Lebanon.

Hamas announces it will not accept the existence of Israel as Biden pushes 2 state solution.

Hamas terrorists told Lebanese Hezbollah news outlet that it will not compromise on destruction of Israel.

Amir says Palestinians refused to have a state.  1937, appeal commission, 1947, UN partition plan, 1948, Israel Declaration of Independence, 1993, Oslo accords, 2000, Camp David.  Saudi Initiative, 2002, 2008.  The Kerry,  Obama initiative 2013, Trump deal of the century 2020.   The reason, their refusal to allow Israel the right to exist as a Jewish state.

China unveils a chilling microwave cannon that can down satellites with waves that are 68,000 times stronger than earth’s magnetic field.  The terrifying weapon is augmented by 4 sterling engines that can be fitted on to the back of a truck as the East Asian powerhouse flexes its military muscles.  The cooling properties of the sterling engine will boost the strength of the powerful microwave cannon weapon with tests showing it consumes just 1/5 of the energy of other systems.   If the reports are true, China’s high powered weapon will be the 1st that uses Sterling engine technology to be openly revealed to the public.

Next.  Then Pentagons ex UFO Chief, a physicists that held his position for 1 year, says he’s gagged from revealing alien secrets and calls for the release of bombshell files.  (Tom jokes and says maybe we could use the super microwave cannon to shoot down UFO’s!).   This UFO dude mentioned his bosses at the Pentagon gagged him from sharing the truth to the public even though he had evidence to back up his discoveries.  

Tom says UFO demonic forces are showing themselves more, preparing for the rapture.

Yesterday about a 5.7 powerful earthquake in Hawaii just miles from active volcanoes.   Couple hours later 4.6 in LA.

Last 24 hours earthquakes, 56 over 4.0, 7 over 5.0.

Clown World – 

Democratic Senator promotes Satanism in Arizona State capital.  Says satanists are under tyrannical and religious persecution.  Went to the state capital ground for committee hearing.  Tom says he needs to turn to Jesus.

CNBC – Walmart, Delta, Chevron, T-Mobile and Starbucks are using Ai to monitor employee messages.  To track sentiment and weed out toxicity.  Tom says spying on them.  Saying contains messages that represent about 20 billion individual interactions across more than 3 million employees.  Some respond and call it thought crime, treating people like inventory in a way like never seen.  Tom says last days.

Testimonies –

Once had a faith then atheist for 20 years.  Lying in bed remembering his  life with God felt God grab his spirit and pull him back to his faith in Jesus.   Realized how much he missed Jesus and the enthusiastic faith he once enjoyed.  Wanted it all back more than anything else in the world.  Says  I know Jesus is real and God exists and loves me passionately and the rapture is very close.  Time to come back home and surrender to Jesus.  He has restored my faith fully.  Says I preach the blood and salvation over on Facebook every day now and don’t care what anyone thinks about it.  Jesus Christ is God and I will be proclaiming His salvation and goodness publicly until that glorious day when we go Home to be with Jesus forever.  Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Tom says he knows him as he would comment here early on the channel then he wasn’t there and saw a post on Facebook by him when he was leaning toward atheism.   Over time sent Tom a book he did and Tom thought, this guy knows the Lord and he will come back.  Beautiful.

Comments:  the only sin God doesn’t forgive is to deny Jesus is Lord and Savior.

Says lately enjoys reading and searching the Bible like never before, like treasures and jewels.

Says questions the faith of any believer that holds antisemitism.  As grows closer to Yeshua’s Jewish name grows more in love with the Jewish people.  

Looks to the return of our Lord and His promises to the Jewish remnant.


We can talk of the rapture and end time events all day long but if we don’t realize what Jesus did for us its nothing.  Must receive the Gospel.  Our sins paid for by the blood of the Lamb.  Jesus eternally back and forward.  Like a perfect circle no beginning or end.

Without the shedding of blood no forgiveness.  Set up from before foundation of the world.  Have to recognize our sin.  Jesus took care of it.  All we have to do is believe in the power of that blood and Jesus finished work.  Died, buried, rose the third day.  Believe and be saved, be sealed, rapture ready. 

Accept today, may be there may never be another chance.  If reject, will go to hell. Receive today.

Today’s Scriptures:

1 Chronicles 29:11 KJV

[11] Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. 

Timestamp: 2:50

Jeremiah 32:27 KJV

[27] Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? 

Timestamp: 3:08

Luke 1:37 KJV

[37] For with God nothing shall be impossible. 

Timestamp: 3:40

Revelation 1:18 KJV

[18] I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. 

Timestamp: 3:47

Psalm 91:12 KJV

[1] He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: My God; in him will I trust.

Timestamp: 4:02

Jeremiah 32:17 KJV

[17] Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: 

Timestamp: 4:31

Psalm 145:3 KJV

[3] Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; And his greatness is unsearchable.

Timestamp: 4:50



I was going through a hard time mentally. And I could remember on that day. I was thinking to myself that I was all alone. No one understood me but then inside me. I felt like something was saying you’re not alone. You’re always have me.  And I could remember kneeling and accepting. Jesus christ has my savior and i’ve never been alone since.


I came from a Christian family of five boys.  My youngest brother is my identical twin.  We both accepted Jesus as our savior at the same time at the age of 12.  We both love studying Bible prophecy.   We believe like you do Tom, and we are also “Rapture Ready.”  We have seen Israel become a nation again since 70 A.D., the Jewish people from around the world return to Israel, the miracles of the six-day war, and receive Jerusalem back into their hands.  There is nothing else that needs to happen before the rapture.  God put us together so we would keep an eye on each other while we were growing up, for that we are both thankful.  Not to say that we did not sin because that would be a big lie.   We are now soon to be 80 years of age.  My name is Don, and my brother’s name is Ron Mosbaugh.  Thank you for being a drill sergeant about the rapture.  We are looking forward to meeting you soon in the New Jerusalem in heaven.  We are so happy that you are also our brother in Christ. 


As a child I knew Jesus made me special. My grandparents partially raised me with Jesus as my Saviour. My mom is a Christian, but dad was an alcoholic and physically abused us. I got molested by an uncle at the age of 6-7. Got married at 16. Happily married until things went downhill with my husband’s health and I almost lost him. I fell into depression and woke up in the ICU after an overdose realizing God saved me. I then realized I need to sincerely and earnestly get close to my Lord and grow my relationship with Him. Put God first and everything else will fall into place!! Amen. PRAISE God!