A HIGH Alert Weekend For Israel!

A HIGH Alert Weekend For Israel!

A HIGH Alert Weekend For Israel!

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Tom Cote / Watchman River
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NOTES: Maybe have espresso and cheese and crackers and hang out with an old friend and a fellow servant of the Lord.

Tom says Israel is on high alert and just about the entire world is against them. It is expected as it is God’s people and His nation and the world hates God and hates that nation. Tom says Israel has begun to respond and has gone full fledged or stop then have the same problems.

Psalm 55: 22 “ Cast your burdens on the Lord and He will sustain you. He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

1 Peter 5: 7 “ Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.”

Tom says very troubling times in these last days waiting for the. rapture. Jesus tells us to cast our cares on Him and He will give us a peace that surpasses our understanding. He loves us. He gave all, His life for us.
Tom talks today about the speech the leader of Hezbollah said today, Tom calls him the Grand Puba. 

The leader of Hezbollah speaks for the first time since the war broke out. It was on video tape because he is always in hiding. Tom says he is not going to stand in an open area and declare war on Israel. 

Ahead of the speech, IDF spokesman said Israel is on high alert. Israel tells Hezbollah they will be ready to respond on any front. 
Hezbollah stepped up attacks before the speech. 

Hamas tells Palestinian people and Arab Islamic nation to demonstrate this weekend. He calls it, stop the massacre of the century. 

Amir says we know what started this war, the massacre of the century. He said this weekend will determine if headed into world war or not. Amir says the decisions made in Iran, the speech delivered in Beirut, the response decided in Tel Aviv. The Israeli Air Force is ready, bombs are loaded, and missiles are mounted. F16, F15, F 35, fueled and all the pilots are in their bases. 

IDF chief warns Hezbollah the Israeli Air Force is deploying less than 50% of its power in Gaza ready to strike on other fronts. 

CIA said proxies made some moves as if preparing for full scale war. 

Houthis calls on Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, and Egypt to mobilize their armies in support of Gaza. 

Seeing now at least 20 missiles, mortars and possible drones launched from Lebanon to Israel last night. Israel Air Force is attacking in S. Gaza. Hamas rocket hit near the airport. Hezbollah attacked 19 sites in military post on Lebanon border. 

As war intensifies other Iranian proxies looking to get involved. Facing 5 fronts, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank, Gaza and Yemen. 

Syrian president agreed to send Russia’s missile system to Hezbollah. 

Israeli  fighter jets over Lebanon carrying out mock attacks. Israel  chief of staff says if Hezbollah drags us into combat the IDF will deal a blow that has never been seen in the world. 

Tom believes Ps 83 war, agreeing together, but God wins. Time to pray.

From the US Blinken met with Netanyahu in Israel. Blinken urged Israel to temporally stop air strikes on Gaza, to allow mediation he said. 

The only reason for Blinken to show up in person is to get Israel to fight the war the way America wants it to be fought. His presence is not a source of comfort for most Israelis rather causes many to fear the US will tie Israel’s hands and the war will end with Hamas still breathing. 

Tom reads some of the things that were said in the speech:

Grand Puba says- there is no more legitimate and righteous battle from a humanitarian moral and religious point to view as a battle that is fighting the Zionists. He congratulated Yemen and Iraq for entering the campaign. He said there is no more holier war than this. Said the October 7 Al Aqsa flood, was decided 100% by Palestinians. The execution was 100% Palestinian and the Palestinians hid it from everyone. Said Israel is weaker than a web of spiders. 

Tom says, no Israel is not. 

Summing it up-
It is said Hezbollah chief was a major disappointment to millions of viewers around the Muslim world. He praised a “successful attack” on Israel, hailed the causalities in Gaza as holy martyrs who are now enjoying paradise. Thanked the Houthis in Yemen and Shiite militias in Iraq for missile fire toward Israel. He was criticized on social media and many expected him to officially declare war on Israel and help Hamas in its war against the Jewish state. Right after the speech there were sirens heard near Jerusalem. 

Tom says he thinks this war will escalate and we will see the rapture. 

Other news:
Hundreds evacuated from huge wildfires in Spain.

A deadly bomb cyclone storm with hurricane winds of 100 mph and extreme flooding hit large part of Europe. At least 8 died and over a million with power outages. 

Nonstop super volcano in Italy with 2,500 earthquakes since September. There will be possible mass evacuations of tens of thousands of residents. 

Earthquakes in the last 24 hours. 43, 4.0 and above and 7, 5.0 and above. 

Clown world: Elon Musk warns of humanoid robots that could take over jobs. Jobs would be for ones that wanted one for personal satisfaction. Musk says Ai is like a magic genie that gives you any wishes you want. But saying those fairly tales rarely end well. (Tom laughs .) Musk. Says, one of the challenges though is, how to find meaning in life? He says we should be quite concerned about humanoid robots that could follow you anywhere. Says what if in a software update they are not friendly anymore? 
Tom says, incredible! That’s a great future. Says I’ll just take water and Jesus. 

Tom says satan has plans that are so evil. The 7 year tribulation is speeding so fast. We need Jesus. 

Says she also feels inadequate, says she has no abilities, and nothing to offer. Feels like a broken vessel with a broken heart. Says the testimony of Pastor Harry gives her hope. Because God doesn’t make mistakes. Says she will keep praying for people and tell Jesus she is here in case He wants to use her. Says thankful she no longer feels unusable. 

Tom says he talked about the story of Pastor Harry yesterday at the beginning of the program. Encourages to listen if haven’t. Tom says we are all very usable to God, all of us. Tom says her encourgment spoke to many. Says God just used that! 

Says we read the news and see what is happening and read the Bible and know why. Tom says that is how we know how it ends. 

Says after Pastor Harry’s story they have been guilty of being a judge of people. Thankful for the reminder not to judge what and who God will use.

Says no matter what you’re going through, no matter what storm you are facing, no matter how bad your day is going, remember that Jesus loves you and He’s coming back really soon. He is even at the door and that is something we can always be happy about even when in the darkest days. So smile, Jesus is coming soon. 

Tom says we know God has a plan and is coming soon. It is that much sooner Hs coming for us to take us to heaven forever.

Isaiah 43: 25 “I even I am He who blots out your transgressions and for My own name sake I will not remember your sins.” 

Tom says that is a good one to memorize and remember. Tom says a battle is raging, we are needed on the front lines. Talk about Jesus, tell them about the rapture. Tom has links below that are free to leave around the house for people left behind. 

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The only way to heaven. The only One who said He was God when He walked the earth. 

Tom warns those that have not received Jesus for salvation. Don’t reject Him. Warns of hell for those who reject forgiveness of sins. 

Believe in what He did and His atoning blood that will get is to heaven for eternity. 

Today is the day of salvation.

Today’s Scriptures:

Daniel‬ ‭9:27‬ ‭NKJV‬ [27] Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.”

Timestamp: 2:16

‭Psalms‬ ‭55:22‬ ‭NKJV‬
[22] Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.
Timestamp: 2:46

‭I Peter‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭NKJV‬
[7] casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
Timestamp: 3:34

‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:25‬ ‭NKJV‬
[25] “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins.
Timestamp: 25:08