This Should RAISE Your Eyebrows!

This Should RAISE Your Eyebrows!

This Should RAISE Your Eyebrows!

Terry James Article Link:

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Notes: Have grape sparkling water and some brisket! 

John 14:1-3  In My Father’s House are many mansions..go  to receive you to Myself. Tom says we are about to come there, in the pre trib rapture. These 3 verses are exciting, that He is preparing this for us, so soon.

Tom talks about the SDG’s at the UN in New York. They are having  talks about an Israeli peace deal between Israel and Palestinians. Also the 7 year peace agreement! The Abraham Accord meetings going on. Now also the Pope, by remote, is meeting with Clintons, Yellen, Whitmer, Newsome and others at the Global Initiative scheduled for September 18 and 19 in New York. Discuss climate change, gender based violence and long term reconstructive efforts in Ukraine they say. Tom says strange, all these things going on at once in New York. 
Plus added is the International day of peace September 21, Thursday. 
The UN president said “let us recommit to SDG’s for a world where peace and security are a reality for all.” 
Tom says how many times do we hear peace and safety?  Then sudden destruction comes. Tom says he has to watch this! It is over the top. Jesus is coming soon! 
J. Post: violence and  IDF strikes in Gaza Strip with a drone. 
Biden is meeting about the Abraham Accords with Saudi Arabia for Peace as safety. 
Tom comments about a really good article that just came out, from Terry James. Called “The Crisis.” Reads a short section:
“Profound development when thinking of the nearness of the tribulation, Daniel’s 70th week. I believe this Summit is Psalm 2: 1-12 playing out before our eyes. It is the world of anti god governing entities slapping God in the face. I believe this display of rebellion will substantially move forward God’s judgement in answering this wicked agglomeration. The human and demonic minions against which we struggle, according to Paul’s warning in Ephesians, are desperate for their world rending crisis. Their attempts, as mighty as they have been haven’t been able to bring in their Great Reset so the New World Order could be installed.”
Tom says it goes into way more detail, will put the link to the article. Great article, very good. I highly recommend it.
Yahoo Japan is bringing cashless payment to another level using face recognition technology. Says submit biometric data, so convenient, and promises it will never be used in a nefarious way. Tom says- ha! Says they show a video of a gentleman standing in front of a scanner and sees his face in a computer and he gets to leave the store with his goods. 
Lockdowns. New lockdowns being imposed in India. Containment zones are being set up. Saying in India is a deadly virus called Nepa with a mortality rate as high as 75%. Lockdowns are hurriedly being established. They say, will the other governments follow with attempt to lock down the planet again? Tom says, yes, he sees that coming.
Daily Mail: UK health officials are closely monitoring the outbreak of this. Saying the virus is spread by fruit bats. Tom says maybe we will be gone within the next few weeks! It’s possible!
State of emergency declared in Maine ahead of hurricane Lee. Looks like it is hitting Northern New England and into Canada. Tom says he is in Southern New England. Pray.
Thousands buried in mass graves after floods in Libya, death toll could reach 20,000. They had no warning system, weren’t prepared. Pray.
Terrible flooding in Spain. Tom says there are videos of rivers going down the roads. Pray.
Lightening strike in Saudi Arabia. Tom says its crazy, like a strobe light! Never seen lightning like that.
Last 24 hours, 33 earthquakes over 4.0, 8 of them over 5.0.
Holiday hiring to drop to the lowest level since 2008. They are hesitant to hire because people are spending less. Tom says everything is up in price, people struggling.
Apple has the longest sales drop in decades as I Phone slumps. 
Tom says I’m glad I belong to Jesus, aren’t you. Says I can’t imagine going on in this world trying to figure this all out with all these events. Jesus protects us. Jesus is all we have, all we want is Jesus.
Says looking up, and my mind and heart are looking  up too in anticipation. Says never felt so close to my Savior. To say I ache for His return is a huge understatement. Tom agrees.
Says the thought of being left behind is absolutely terrifying. And nothing I can do but trust Jesus and praise Him. Tom says yes, the thought of what the tribulation is like is terrifying. 
Tom gets criticized by someone that says Tom is giving credit to aliens for the rapture that is not as the Word says. (Tom frowns). Says to Tom, that is not Biblical. Then he gives his opinion. Says what is Biblical is the antichrist will rise and act like he is god and fool many to think he is god. He may tell the world he raptured the people and then tell them to take his mark to be saved. 
Tom says he has never associated his speculation that after the rapture they are going to say its the aliens that took us, has anything to do with Scripture. Saying that the antichrist  is god to the people that are missing children, they won’t go to worship him. Tom thinks they will likely blame other worldly type. Probably why we hear so much of alien UFO talk right now. 
Comments on the alien pictures from Mexico. Tom thought this one was really funny, laughs. They say it looked like freezer burned meat loaf! 
Praises God as we see the day approaching. Says looks forward to meeting Tom. Tom says he wants to meet us all too.
Tom warns of the tribulation, is passionate and pleads. Says just receive Jesus work for our sins and be saved. 
Says there are people that don’t receive it. They will know the moment the rapture happens. Explains salvation and Jesus. Jesus blood so powerful to take all sin. 
Grace, can be saved 10 seconds before the rapture and will squeak in. Be saved today.